The Los Angeles Times from Los Angeles, California (2024)

Jebsef tnterett.Women 2250 Jobs of Interest.Women 2250 Jobsef Inteiest.Women 2250 L. a. Cimcs Job of Interest, Women 225G Jobs of Intirest.Women 2250 Jobs of Interest.Women 2250 Inlerest, Women 2250 Jobs of lr.ttrst,Womn 2250 LVN Pract. Nurses. Convalescent hospital 313 N.

Del Mar. 288-W5J MGR. Quality Department Store HAS OPENING FOR MANAGER Cosmetic Department if Must Have Retail Experience if Executive Position if Pasadena Area P.O. BOX B-035, L.A. TIMES MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT MANAGER KELLY GIRL SERVICE, INC.


Req. Suite 07 3810 WILSHIRE BLVD. DU.6-3440 DICT. Ooer. exper.

all areas. Top pay. Office Aide 620 S. Western DICTAPHONE Operators. Tempora ry DOT SERVICES.

DU.6-8710 DISTRICT MANAGER Luzier Bristol-Myers cosmetics company, needs a full time manager, Long Reach area Monthly salary many other benefits. Call (213) 697-8282 or write P.O. Box 1122, Whittier, California. DOCTORS AIDE Able to do EKG, draw blood lite X-ray work 2 yrs. of experience on-ly.

Encino. Box W-126, Times. DRY cleaning counter clerks. Exp. Steady Avalon.

WE.8-5923, DRY Clean'g. Counter girl tor. Exp. only. Quality pit.

776-2255 Electronic Assemblers Immediate requirement. Must have 2 years experience in soldering for, assembly of PC boards able to work in clean room. Pay $2.50 to $3.00 an hour. Interviews at 1429 Magnolia Ave. Long Beach ELEVATOR OPERATOR Aoolv In person.

Brock Co. 515 W. 7th St. ESCROW expanding its data processing division and now requires an assistant manager. Position requires keypunch background Public contact- INSURANCE OPPORTUNITIES.

GROUP CLAIM PROCESSOR vrs college or equivalent claim experience. FIGURE CLERKS Sever, clerical underwritina posi tions for H.S or bus. school gradv Exper. or inexper. with good arithmetic aptitude.

Prefer age 20 to 40 CLERK TYPIST Lite typing, filing in claims dept. iits and salary commensurate with background. Call JB7-MBI fcXI. 261 or ct for appointment AETNA LIFE CASUALTY 2404 Wilshire Rm. 1341 An Equal Opportunity Employer Males also considered NVESTIGATOR TRAINEE Stores Proiective Assoc.

MA.4-8851 R. Clerk Typist or Steno. Property management. Dept. of Savings Lon.

Some knowledge of real es-taie desirable but not required. For appt. 843-0800 Ext KEY PUNCH A T- IBM Key Punch OPERATORS Alpha-numeric experience. Temporary position. 40-hours per week From present thru April 15th, 1966.

1st and 2nd shift. CALL FOR APPT. 385-8201 THE SERVICE 282 i WCirTORS' SECY'S, AUDITORS CLERICAL i INTERMEDIATE iciERK Position available for a neat appearing individual who possesses one to three years recent clerical experience, and the ability to type 55 wpm accurately on an elec tric typewriter. Duties and Responsibilities Include the Following: 1. SCOPING OF TESTS-DETAIL WORK 2.

FILING CONSISTENTLY 3. PROCESSING OF I D. CARDS 4. OTHER RELATED CLERICAL ASSIGNMENTS. Individual selected must en- ioy variety detail projects, have good command of the English language and ability to handle simple math.

Competitive salary, excellent benefits for selected appli cant. APPLY 9 A.M. -4 P.M. MONDAY THRU FRIDAY Personnel Department Los An gel es Times 202 W. First St.

An Equal Opportunity Employer to Qualified Men Women ICLERICAL for the girl who likes to type BUREAU TRUSTEE SALES, LOAN PROCFCSSERS SERVICING EXPERIENCED TOP RATED PROFESSIONAL INTENSIVELY TESTED Beverly Hills, CotJa Mesa 8. L.A. TEMPORARY 8. PERMANENT 100 FREE Jo Anne Connors Escrow Replacement Agency, 285-2139 ESCROW OFFICERS 8, SECYS. 100o FREE.

JO ANNE CONNORS Escrow Replacement Agcy. 285-2139 ESCROW EXPERIENCED. 864-7781 ENGINEERING OPPORTUNITY One of the leading companies in the San Gabriel Valley is looking for a MECHANICAL ENGINEER with a B.S. degree who can work with and responsible for ofher people. Th'n challenging pesition Offers very good benefits.

We will give serious consideration to other enqineering majors. Submit resume to: EXPEDITOR Follow-up girl. Electronics. Assistant to Chief Expeditor. Must have some experience.

Good working conditions. SALARY OPEN SEE MR. ROTHMAN Hollywood Radio Electronics 5250 HOLLYWOOD BLVD EXEC. SECTRY. L.A.

airport area. Attractive Miss Adams 674-1961 FEMALE. Mach. oper. Olympic Plastics, 3471 S.

La Cienega, L.A. FILE CLERK Wage Incentive plan increases better than average salary for those with at least 6 months insurance or banking file experience. KEY PUNCH OPERATORS SIX MONTHS EXPERIENCE 5:00 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. UNITED California Bank1; apply EDP CENTER 411 North Vermont Avenue An Equal Opportunity Employer Applicants considered nn merit gardless of race, religion, creed, color, national origin, ancestry or age.

IBM KEYPUNCH OPERATORS SWING MIDNITE Mm. I yr. alpha nu- meric experience required. I XLNT. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS' FREE PARKING Apply 2706 Wilshire L.A.

i Hours 9-12 1-3 Crocker-Citizens National Bank An equal opportunity employer Openings to 8, if qualif. IBM KEY PUNCH OPERATOR Aloha numeric req. 024 056. 2 yrs. recent exp.

An equal opportunity employer. For appt. call Mrs. Ashley 382-7272 Ext. 1954: IBM CORP.

ibm KEYPUNCH operator-3 yrs. exp requireo on aipna shift rmVe In transn L.A. area. Phone Personnel BR. 2-5661 BM Keypunch opers.

All areas, all shifts. Dacey Temp. Serv. 740 Broadway. MA.

6-3105 IBM K.P. Oper. 2 yrs. exp. Alpha Numeric.

4-9 p.m. Daily Sat. Craig Key Punch Service. 962-5216 IBM Keypunch Oprs. Temp, assign.

All areas Kelly Girl Service Finer 3200 Wilshire personable I Salary open. 626-9191, Miss Chang. IBM KEYPUNCH, alpha time. Days or swing. eXP Full1 LU.

3-1015 IBM Key punch opers. See ad, Sun- 'or details. IBM Keypunch Opr. Teledyne Systems 756-8301 I BM Key Punch Oper. Rflnk.

215 W. 6th inui Kev Punch Operator Pacific Scientific 773-2020 IBM KevDunch. Part time nights Sat. W.L.A. DSPPC Inc.

474-2451 IBM key punch opers. Gen. Tabu lating, 4949 W. 104, ingiewd. INSPECTORS- Microdot Inc.

INSURANCE DETAIL So. Pasadena BROKERAGE SECTY. EXPERIENCED Proficient In the use of life rate manuals ability to advise agents concerning the principles 8, mechanics of life insurance policies, optional modes of settlements beneficiary provisions. Capable of representing the life company in the absence of the manager. Typing 65 w.p.m.

Shorthand 100. Age preference 30 to 40. For appt. Personnel Dept. Employers Life Insurance Company of America 639 S.

New Hampshire Ave. 388-1201 Evening 8, Sat. interviews can be arranged INSURANCE BILLING CLERK Payroll audit department Typing 60 IBM electric Age preference 25 to 35 For app't, Personnel Dept. Employers Life Insurance Company of America 639 S. New Hampshire Ave.

a 388-1201 Evening It Sat. interviews can be arranged INSURANCE DICTAPHONE OPERATOR (CLAIMS DEPT.) Are vou presently employed as a dictaphone operator? Feel overworked and under paid? Type 65 wpm? Good speller? Like the dic taphone? We otlpr starting salary, from tn S4CO C.nnd jvnrkina 7 i i 1 I interviewing now tor gooo Perma-ryTnA office position for the career CA I KM Excellent working conditions, bene-GIRL CLERK-TYPISTS Immediate openings In the Engineering Dept. for an Clerk Typist. Requirements: Min. 55 wpm.

electric typewriter. or thorough understanding ot office machines, practices J. procedures. Citizenship not required Apply 8-30 a.m. m.

daily or call for appointment CA. 5-1521 EXT. 251 l-T-E Circuit Breaker Co. 1667 N. MAIN LA.

an equal oppty. employer CLERK-TYPIST Some experience desirable graduate. Heavy dictaphone, department. CLERK TYPIST 2 years college. Good typist, cient in English and spelling, relations.

H.S Credit Profi-Public Excellent employee benefits Super- visor working conditions. Free inside parking. 1 blocks W. of Harbor Fwy. at 5th St.

UNION OIL CO. 461 S. Boylston Parking Entrance on Bixel St. An Equal Opportunity Employer CLERKS, ALL KINDS. TEMPORARY STIVERS LIFESAVERS 2 Yrs.

Exp. Req. Suite 807 3810 WILSHIRE BLVD. DU.6-3440 CLERK typist. Modern ofcs.

Nr dntn. L.A. Type 65 wpm. Mature OK Free parking, profit share. Oth er tringes.

Box A-178, Times. CLERK TYPIST Immediate openinq. Apply 8737 Wil shire Bl 3rd Floor Penthouse. CLERK for retail foods store. Bur bank.

Gd. oppty. 849-4262! if co*cktail Waitresses Attractive sharp. 24 to 30. Must have minimum 3 years experience.

Call for appt. Miss Webber AIRPORT MARINA HOTEL 670-8111 co*ckTAIL WAITRESSES Experienced, age 21-25. Come In after 10 p.m. for interview. PINK puss*CAT 7969 SANTA MONICA BLVD.

co*ckTAIL Waitress, barmaids, gogo girls, cigarette girls, hostess, for tne Blue Bunny. 8016 E. Slauson, Mon-tebello, between 12-6 p.m. Girls are making up to $250wk. COIL WINDER.

Exp. sewing machine helpful. Small co. Many benefits. VE.

7-5313. ARNOLD MAGNE TICS, 6050 W. Jefferson Bl. L.A COLLEGE Grad. recent, no work ex per.

nec. Public relations S. re search. Apply in person 7933 W. 3rd COLLECTOR Agency exper.

Good' opportunity, permanent. DU.5-4,06 COLLECTOR-SKIP" TRACER Salary bonus. RE. 3-0196 COLLECTION Agency Typist 1, Phone solicitor 1. 735-0234 COMPTOMETER OPERATORS NIGHT OWLS! iiinn VVUKN ALL HOURS Call: 626-7551 Ext.

13 VICTOR TEMPORARIES 607 S. Hill, Plaza 5 for elder lady In Ea gle Rock. Ideal for Soc. Sec. retiree.

Box B-278, Times or SY. 0-1972 eve. COMPTOMETER opers. Come In please. Dacey Temp.

Service. 740 S. Broadway. 626-3105. comp.

oprs. temp, work avail, now Peakload, 385-5276 COMP. OPERATOR. Must be exp Bev. Hills area.

CR.4-0411 ext. 593. COMP. Temp. Day I Nite Cameron, 520 W.

7th SL MA.2-1187 COOK, dinner dish-up, days, Local rets. Kirk Drug. 1100 Westwood Cosmetic Clerk Must be experienced and have local references. Good opportunity. BOX A-174, TIMES Cosmetic Salesgirl, Exp.

6R00 Hollywood Bl. HO. 9-6296. COSMETOLOGY INSTRUCTOR AMERICAN BEAUTY COLLEGE 16811 Bellllower Bellflower CORRECTIONAL Casework WOMAN'S PAROLE SUPERVISOR Challenging career opportunity with the Slate of California Department of Corrections in one of the most progressive Parole Supervision programs in the United States in charne of a Half-way House in Los Angeles. SALARY RANGE: I Requires rolleqe graduation and two years supervisory or administrative experience in social case work with juvenile or adult offenders in a correctional facility or in probation or parole work.

One year California residence also required. For application please write or phone: STATE PERSONNEL BOARD 107 South Broadway, Los Angeles MA. 0-2790 COSMETIC DRUG Exoer. WLA. Full time.

CLERK GR.7-2511 COUNSELORS Expd. employment counselors only. Male or female dask for our NEW WILSHIRE branch office. Draw comm. Call MA.H-3181 for aopl.

FUTURE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, 412 W. 6th, 3rd fir. COUNSELOR, this employment ofc. HOW RO YD-WRIGHT AGENCY J75 I IRE BL 331 COUNSELOR, This employ, ofc' ANNE-AIDA AGENCY 707 S. Bdwy.

R.219. MA.6-7601 COUNSELOR this emol. office Atlas Agency, 707 S. JJroadway. COJNfER "girls 8.

cooks. Fullpart time. Nu restaurant. Apply 2110 Whittier Montebello. 722-9498 COUNTER necessary.

Girl. Dry cleaning. Exo. Apoly 48C0 W. Washing- ka.

COUNTER GIRL-Dry clng. plant exp. Xlnt. iob. 788-3292, Van Nuys.

COUNTERGIRL dry cleaning exo nec. Full time, W.L.A. 1. 6-7026 CREDIT OPERATOR TRAINEES Established national credit concern needs a number of women ages IB to 40 to be trained in credit porting work in the operation IBM keypunch machines. Must be high school graduate with minimum typing speed of 40j w.p.m.

Salary 1255 per month while training. APPLY IN PERSON, 4TH FLOOR CREDIT DATA CORPORATION 680 Wilshire Place, L.A. CREDIT retail Nartel's, store, perm. exp. 545 5.

Bdwy Pm Monday Morning, Jon. 17, 1966 e2-44U, Times Mirror Square, A. S3 Jobs of Interest.Wemen 2250 PBX OPERATORS xcuws 5ii wcuilbl v.crticw immeoiaie openings. run nm Exp nec. Apply Personnel Cedars of Lebanon Hospital 4833 Fountain, N0.2-9III.

Ext. 211 Mount Smai Hospital rM I MIS KOI, rw 35, type 50 worn, duties are 50. IurIm 1. Sfl-. rreotinn.rleritAl Reo- ulf.r salary reviews, benefits.

Wil- shire Blvd. office. Mary peck, sunset Magaiine HU. 3-6011 PBX Top Sal. Tel.

Ans. Serv. Exp. Varioui shifts. WE.3-4646 PBX Tele.

Ans. Serv. expd. only permlnent time, 4 to 10 or 5 to p.m. including weekends.

Personnel Records Broad scooe o' assignments for the experienced personnel records clerk who is limited in her current position. Our comprehensive Industrial Relations-Personnel operation offers advancement opportunities for the self-starter. Good worktnq knowledge of and experience in all phases of a personnel records system reauired Familiarity with insurance programs desirable. Non-defense company. Salary competitive.

Complete employee benefits program. Please forward complete resume to: Box C-038, L.A. Times PERSONNEL An Insurance Company has an ex- cellent opportunity for a capable woman, 24-35, to leam all Phases ot Personnel interviewing. Must have public contact experience and pre-vious office experience, S375 38211 PERSONNEL TRAINEE Career oriented, self-starter, able to deal effectively with people. Our natl.

firm will train personnel field to woman with mgmt. potential. Aames Bureau of Employment Agency, 404 N. Roxbury Bev Hills. Miss Lwis.

CR. 1-6164 PERSONNEL COUNSELOR, trainee. Our office. Local office exper-ience, good memory, type 45. Age 35.

Start as girl Friday, and assistant counselor. Must be able to handle heavy detail an heavy phones. NO PHONE CALLS. Madison Employment Agency, 5455 Wilshire Ste. 1709.

PERSONNEL AGENCY ASST. OFFICE MANAGER Exceptional opportunity BRIGHTON PERSONNEL AGENCY 9465 Wilshire. CR. 3-1670 PERSONNEL Records See Sun. "ad L9.

Box W-243. L.A. Tinvs. PERSONNEL Interviewer Write Box W-059, Times PHARMACIST-Reg. Hospital experience preferred Xlnt.

frinqe benefits. Apply personnel office 9 to 12 I to 4 ST. VINCENTS HOSPITAL 2131 W. 3rd L.A, PHONE sales. Girl like talking lo people for pay? Call Mr.

Lumber bet. 10 4J2Weekdavs. 386-234, PHOTO MANAGER TRAINEE If your are 20-30, with sales personality, enioy working with paoole, interested in joining a growing concern learn portraiture wiia ample opportunity. Call DU.2-6341 PHOTO primers exp. Eastman auto iitv Knoto service, i Anaheim, Long Beach.

HE.5-8928 PHOTOFINISHER Xper. Rollhead printer. Color blk.w. perm. Forman Foto.

873-4606. PRESSER Heavy silks. New plant. 1238 Giendale CB Shopping Giendale. R.E.

LOAN SALESLADY or man, aqe to 45. Exo'd. to sell hard mnnev. 2nd TD's to Investors. We have the clientele.

Gd. sal. comm. Star Mtg. Co.

AX. 5-6688 REAL ESTATE TRAINING For lirenre Complete Sales. Training Free! Call 462-3324 R.E. Licensed telephone solic. for Mortgage Co.

Part or full time. Draw commission. HU.3-8525 E. licensees attr. single.

Xlnt. eppty. Efficient, Pref Bio money lenrL Raymo Co. R.E. LICENSEE CK.yws? RENTAL OFC.

No car needed. Pd. wkly. OR. 1-6139 R.E Sales Bev.

Experienced Top comm. Leads Winston BR.2-4249 RECEPTIONIST. Typist exper ienced. 21-35. Full or part time.

$400 per mo. 4 J. Publishers, 704 Spring St. MA.7-7330 RECEPTIONIST FILE CLERK Capable of handling busy phone. 25-35.

RE. 3-2034 RECEPTIONIST. Personable. Los Shorthd. GOOD Feliz area.

Some TYPING. 663-3991 PT ION I ST-T YPI ST Small ofc. Mrs. Johnson 749-5203 "RECEPTIONIST Miict eninv dealing with people have good typg. be interested in the personnel field.

Our natl. firm will train all phases of personnel pre-screening, testing, etc. to image conscious girl wtronr ore. grooming. Oppty.

to advance to personnel counselor. Aames Bureau of Em olovment Agency. 412 W. 6th Street Miss Thomas. 381-7555, ext.

75. Recept. Typist $375 Plush, new PENTHOUSE PERSON NEL AGENCY needs alert talented gir Friday. Jugg phones, people. posting.

5225 WILSHIRE. WE ic RECEPTIONIST Nat'l. concern. Hrs. 11-8.

hr wk. Co. benefits. Paid vac. Apply Thomas System after 11 a.m.

629 S. Hill. MA.2-811B RECEPT. for our Barbara Barry EmploygcyJ4J2JV.6th. MA.

7-0025 Needed to work relief shift in small Gen. Hospital. Start salary Apply by writing Head Nurse, Dos Palos Hospital, Dos Pa los, Calif, or phone collect 392-3266 FOR STATE HOSP. Ann Brown. MA.

0-2830 R.N Supervisor San Gabriel area $550 start. Under 40 pref. 285-2165 SALESLADIES 25-50 YRS DIGNITY Full or part time. SI CO month car allowance local leads earnings from $100 to $1,000 month. Mrs.

Sue Play, BR.2-3327. 9-11 a.m. Thank vou for reading this ad. SALES ASSISTANT MANAGER Excellent opportunity with retail division of large mail order firm. Idr-al working conditions, fringe benefits.

Salary oeen. All maior company benefits. Apoly 10: a.m. to 4 m. SUNSET HOUSE .1485 S.

La Ciene9a Blvd A 6501 NLaurel Canyon N. Hollyd SALES HAPPINESS IS a career with RELAX-A-CIZOR. To qualify, vou must: 1. Be well groomed 2. Have excellent references 3.

Have a car Opportunities to train for manager ial Dositions CALL AArs. Manners, OL.5-S01 SALES Attractive Young Woman 35 years old. Must have sales experience and local references. We will train vou to be a credi' mtr. viewer.

Pleasant working conditions. SEE Mr. Miller, 633 Broadway. L.A. SALES I need 75 women who want to earn 30co to sell m.

fash items. Not door-door. Start vour own bus. No capital reeded. Full ol.

time Unlimited rooty. Aoolv Tus. at 1130 am, N. Hudson. Hlvwd SALESGIRLS BOOK DEPT.

HO. 5-3191 SAL Dionitied position Full cr ooening in our wes dept. for ambitious woman, aqe J4-tt No exper. nec. Av P.T 1 week Car nec.

HU 3-3191 SALESWOMEN Present -t p-o One of Qram to business eet worlds largest companies. Phore SALES LaoNes, Ou'dDor work ransp fum. Possible earnings Over JI0O day wk. Aoolv I 30-11 30 a m. 1407 SALESWOMEN enroll women ir IM WIICDX oownpg league, a m.

Free child care hr bous or SALES Empov Ageicv as COunse or il to, rr-c p-ter-t Agency, 412 si es exper C4 viywr er, St va 7oi I tll'uK SAFSGiRL 1 -is -je jee. ry Rev 4, SALESAVFN '2 Tr.i 41 t6 4 ati El SAifUOiE a f4r1 f) tTrtf nfll eo' i I V' f-L- 3( '0 rt I A' M- ii 1 fl1 OFFICE ORDER DESK CLERK Medical eouipment manufacturer needs an Intelligent, Industrious person to assume responsibility for or- Aar nrw-ttina anrl rnrreiMyv dence. Good typing essential. bxcei lent opportunity. Please apply 9-4.

Bennett Respiration Prooucts 1639 Eleventh St. Santa Monica 2 blks. E. of Lincoln Blvd. off-ramp on Santa Monica Freeway.

Please apply -4. OFFICE. Temporary. r. CCD! lrl Tjnn UUilCKir) OFFICE All fields.

Temporary Manpower' Inc. 650 Spring 627-70751 OPERATORS cinnlo nPOrllo R. rtverlrtrk ,,,3., work in modern factory In TORRANCE 1 progressive management steady work benefits Grenell Mfg. 21801 S. Western Ave.

320-4200 LOCATION-2 MILES FROM San Diego Freeway Harbor Freeway Pacific Coast Hwy. Hawthorne OPERATORS We havt immediate openings for the fallowing experienced power machine SINGLE NEEDLE 0VERL0CK APPLY Catalina Inc. 131 N. Gilbert, Fullerton OPERATORS SINGLE NEEDLE FOR SEMI-SECTION OR MAKE COMPLETE DRESS. LOTS OF WORK.

TOP PAY. PACIFIC DRESS 1013 S. Los Angeles St. 3rd floor OPERATORS Exp. only need apply, section work on sports wear swim suits' Steady work, Xlnt.

piece rates. ALSO SAMPLE MAKERS 939 S. Broadway, L.A. Rm. 1107: OPERATOR Single sewing exp.

Must be able to do complete garment, for small retail factory in Beverly Hills. Very pleasant shop. 276-4805 or 272-4991 OPERATORS. Expladies top piece work prices paid. Complete-semi section.

Sidney Jaffa, 304 S. Broadway, L.A. T- Operators-Single Needle Sportswear. 2702 S. Main St.

OPERATORS Single Needle-Blind! Stitch-Button. Steady. Top pay. 5267 west L.A. OPERATORS single needle for section work.

5740 Duarte St. 583-9961. PARKETTE (MO. EQUIV.) REQUIREMENTS: Age 21 to 33. years.

Sex female. Heioht 5'2" to 5'9" with weight proportionate and possession of a valid Calif. Motor Vehicle operator's license. Last day to apply Fri. Jan.

21, 1966. City of Beverly Hills. 450 N. Crescent Dr. Room 700.

An Enual Opportunity Employer PAYROLL CLERK Interview 9-11 a.m. PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT 6121 Sunset Blvd. HO.9-1212 PAYROLL CLERK East L.A. area. Excllent fringe benefits salary.

Must be real sharp have complete knowledge of all phases of payroll including pavrell tax reports. AN. 9-0292, Ext. 20. PBX PBX TEMPORARY We are currently accepting applications for qualified PBX oper-operators to work on a temporary basis.

REQUIREMENTS 1. Minimum of 2 years private-local multiple switchboard experience. 2. Telephone company training. 3.

Must be available for all days, nights, and weekends. 4. Be between the preferred ages of 25 and 40. BENEFITS 1. A 3834-hour week.

2. Eight paid holidays. 3. Two weeks vacation after 1 year. 4.

Major minor medical. 5. Company cafeteria. 6. Company parking facilities.

Qualified applicants may apply in the Personnel Department Monday thru Friday between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Los Angeles Times 202 West First St. OPn to Qualified -Ven Wcmn An equai oportuniry employer PBX recot lite tvpe clerical. M.

35 hr. wk. Perm. S2T5 mo. 624-4191, 'cs Wilshire L.A PBX Oper.

Must be exper. in tele answering serv. Too pay. DAYS ONLY. VAI-H57, -6 P.m.

prx ao 25-31 cr TAS Eve. shift, PBX tran days. CiiH betw. 12-1 732-260 PBX- tT sslan or eel exoer answer serv. ooers Wilshire Fjirfr, ocpor oen ra PBX Teie Anwe Service In i.

A T. i-'s'v tiora w.rk -i con Excertence required OR 2 224 PBX eneraor -sp-'sk Japanese I Lr. aw Mo'ei a' 4.6 PfV Cpe''' Trpnr, ,4 (yiir t.l.rfl fre CCI FX, LtTF. rPiST EP VI rl FSk rlur Hi'1 Tvi' Fn-d (n 1 S''tx fc i it 1 PS-Tn FH "i 1 1 1 l.f.t tn I. I 1 41 9 I I I i I i i I i 1 i GIRLS (SLS.) ADVENTURE-TRAVEL SALARY $135 WEEKLY If you are bored with the humdrum activity of an office iob, and would like some excitement with a dynamic multi-million dollar corporation, and a very unusual opportunity, read on.

You must be 19-27, have some college background, present an attractive appearance, eniov dealing with many people, and Be available ton light Iravel along the West Coast. I We are looking for six office man-1 agers of a new women's division in one of America's oldest internation-l al sales corporations. You will be trained in all phases of office management and sales manaqement. FOR AN IMMEDIATE INTER-vifw TnrjAV cai I today, bf INTERVIEWED TONIGHT, AND IF HIRED, REPORT FOR WORK TO- MORROW, Mr. Virqo.

627 9597 GIRL FRIDAY For position in El Selundo area. Attractive, well groomed. Interesting work with lots of variety. Knowledge of engrg. terminology helpful.

Must be accurate with figures, good secretarial skills, including shorthand. Must have own transportation. Salary start. FOR INTERVIEW CALL: 670-8726 An equal opportunity employer "GIRLS 18-26 free to travel var. cities U.S.A.

Sales rep Ebony Jel Tan others. No exp. nec. We train. New car trans, furn.

Cash adv. if nec. Lv. immed. See Mr.

Southard, Mgr. local readers service, Alexan dria Hotel, 5th Spring. 10 a.m. -5 p.m. or Mr.

Peyton, Motel Chatfau, 4905 W. Adams Blvd. or Mr. Russell, San Carlos Hotel, 507 W. 5th.

Don't phone. GIRLS-TRAVEL, CAREER Neat, sharp, under 25, free to travel return resorts as publ. circ. sales rep. Expenses new car trans.

i furn. Approx. S125 also bonus. Apply 11 a m. -4 p.m., Mrs.

Fish at Mayfair 1256 W. 7th, L.A. or Hollywood Inn. 6724 Hollywood. GIRLS CREDIT TYPISTS This is typing commercial credit reports on all types of business.

Permanent work with advancement opportunities. Good slatring salary. Busy but friendly atmosphere. High school grad. necessary.

Typists should do 50 wpm or bettor E.E.O.E. DUN S. BRADSTREET 610S.Main St. Suite488 GIRLS over 21 earn to $175 guar. Paid Vacations Insurance Benefits I Incentive Bonuses Immed.

Openings at World's Most Glamorous Dance Hostess Ballroom. Hrs. 8 p.m. to 2 a.m. 44 yrs.

in L.A. i NO LIQUOR i 833 S. Spring. MA. 3-7151 GIRLS-18-24 earn as you travel with a mixed group of people your own age.

2 wks. training pericd. Immed. expense acct. S250 up per mo.

to: start. Ebony, Esquire other lead-; ing fashion periodical sales. For in- terv. see Mr. Thompson.

Alexandria Hotel, 210 W. 5th 5 p.m. St. Mon, 10 a.m. GIRL FRIDAY Electronics sales firm has opening tor younq girl wno can rype 4U-45 on elect.

Shthd. pref. but not nec. Liqht1 bkkpg. backgd.

Good appearance. Apply 9-11, 1-3. 10916 Washington culver city. GIRL FRIDAY General office duties in purchasing area, lite typing with medium size paper distributor convener, Sanla Monica Frwy. at Alameda, turnoff Parking.

Profit sharing medical. $350 start. Call Rl. 7-4111: Nice appearing young lady to" do a variety of work in a credit office, fun time. Must type and be a local resident with local references Pleasant working conditions.

5EE- Ted Sherwood LeRoy's Jewelers, 633 Broadway, L.A. GIRL Attractive younq woman, 30-35 for immediate opening in medical weight control oflice. Intellioent, mature enthusiastic. Background in personnel or counseling pre ferred. Traininq wage S3C0.

14424 Victory Blvd. Van Nuys. GIRL Fri. Part time. Choose own cxpanuiny ino I.

security firm. Must be exp. in mach. transcription fast typist. Equal Opportunity Employer.

Call 386-8013, JO a.nn.-12 nooni GIRLS WOMEN "Telephone survey! work from our local oflice. No exp. nec. as we will train you. Must have pleasant, enthusiastic telephone voice.

Full 8. part time GOOD STARTING SALARY PLUS BONUS. For -appt. Ca 1 1 466-005 GIRLS cTwOMEN SALARY Plus for telephone public relations work. Call for appointment.

285-2125, 283-2836 GIRL FRIDAY Small growing business wants high fncn' LrX ing. J300 to start. 747-1729 (jlKL r-K IUA Unusual opport. for sharp girl plus xlnt. future 40 or under, typing es-1 sential.

Diversified interesting work in the adv. field. 1335 S. Flow- wer. 749-0151 GIRLS Earn to S175 wk.

Guar. 4 Iwks. paid vac. Benefits. Must br over 21.

Now hirinq hostesres tor modern ballroom. No Hours 8 p.m.-2a.m. H0.6-64C6 GIRL FRIDAY, W.L.A. Fringe bene-i tit*. Advancement opportunity.

Pleasant surro i 8 37-6133 GIRLS Barmaids-Dancers, w' costume. Good salary. Xlt. tips. Space Cat, Bev.JjtamparJ DU.6v373 GIRL for Drive-in rest.

Must be neat efficient. No exp. nec. Apply 518 E. Rosecrans, Comptoni GIRLS who can sing dance, inter-l ested in an act.

876-2503, 6-10 P.m.ji GIRL Take orders from estab. custJ Choose hrs. Fuller BryshWE.6-6184 GIRL Friday for secy. wk. Accuracy expnec.

UP.0-1121 GIRLS. Dancers, costume waiters Ses. $200 wk. Call Laura. 656-5110 HAIR Stylist.

Young, aggressive to work in office 5 da.wk. to style, clen, etc. Iadie. lOOo human hair wigs. Apply in person, 614 S.

Western L.A., Mr. Romano. HAND CAPPED persons for work opportunity, shipping, clerical, de- livery phone. Call HOTEL DESK CLERK No switchboard. Some hoursL HOUSEWIVES, enroll women in bowling league.

9 a.m.-l p.m. 5 da. Free child care. $3 hr. bonus or $9 entry.

Glendale1 241-1129, Mr. Song IBM KEY PUNCH OPERATOR. Minimum 6 months to 1 year alpha numeric exper. Kermaneni posi tion with liberal employee benefits GIBRALTAR SAVINGS 9111 Wilshire Blvd ISM Bev. KEY PUNCH OPERS.

Experienced ONLY FULL TIME ALL SHIFTS Pt. -time-weekends. All shifts RATES TO $2.50 HR. -f BENEFITS AIR CONDITIONED OFFICES 8404 Beverly Bl. 653-6821 BM Key Punch Operator-Exp.

2 yrs. exp. Salary commensurate with exo. Ideal working cond. 35 hr.

week Culver City area Call for appt. Miss Wellings 870-0312, ext. 42, or 391-7153, ext. 41. IBM KEYPUNCH OPERS.

See our ad class 2700 TABULATING SEARCH 8, DEVELOPMENT AGENCY IBM Key Punch. 2 yrs. exp. reg'd. Force, 542 Broadway.

ma.hius IBM. Keypunch oper. Temporary DOT SERVICES. DU.6-8710 NOTICE: Many Hating In (be claa-ajficalionft "Juba of Inter, nt men" or "Joba In-tereat women" are not intended to exclude or diaron-rage applicationa from per-on of the other aex. Such listinga are fur the convenience ol reader! because soma occupation are coni-dred more attractive to person ol one aex than the other.

Discrimination In employment because ol sex I Rrohlbtted by the l4 Ml IrIiIs Art with crriain exception (where aex la a bona II de qualitlration, llrm with less than 100 rm-ployrea, etc t. Advertise. menl containing the abhre. station or oth er phraaea each as "Open to Hi" or op or I a 1 1 einiilotrr," "Otien to either lint-neer men and women," nr. Indliaie thai Ilie ara uuen lo either ajti4 Mtrn or mm, i hu.

6-4S time. Nile MA. 2-2756 I I i outside sales. Call MAUREEN SEDER 757-1827 for interview Equal Opportunity Employer MANAGER for leading women's specialty store in Pomona Valley. Excellent salary incentive.

For confidential interview, send resume at once to Box B-113, Times. MANAGER Asst trainee. Children's spec, store. Torrance. FR.1-6C60 MGR.

Dress Sportswear. Aqe limit 50. Call Mr. Monroe BR. 2-7529 MANAGER Sales wcar.

Start $400 mo. Mr. Frame, 936-4557 MASSEUSE, Beverly Baths, to 11 p.m., ladies dept. Apply alter 9 a.m. 7621 BEVERLY BLVD.

MASSEUSE wlic." or possible trainee. Int'l Health Club. WE. 3-6606 MEDICAL EKG TECHNICIAN Experience in VanSlvke techniaue preferred. Apply Personnel 1-4, 9-12, 1-4.

I ST. VINCENTS HOSPITAL 2)31 W. 3rd A. MEDICAL SECRETARY: SURGERY 1-girl office. Diversified duties i Exp.

in manuscript typing and research grant brookkeeping UCLA Research Proi. Harbor Gen. Hosp. BR. 2-8911, GR.

8-9711, ext. 2191 MEDICAL ASSISTANT Dr. office. Mar Vista area. Duties: nursing, EKG, etc.

X-ray pref. EX. 8-8858, UP.0-8842 MED'CAL secretary exp. in pathnh. gy.

Pt. or full time. PL.3-4222 MEDICAL asst. X-ray lab. Bev.

Hills Ofc. Age to 30 OL. 33557 MEDICAL SECRETARY PT Hrs. WE. 6-1)74 MEDICAL Steno.

-Bkkpr. Full or part time. Bev. Hills. OL.3-3557 MICROSEMICONOUCTOR Corn.

NURSE REGISTERED FOR rirurrvki sum rrn-rrn rUIOVIN IINTU. V.CIN I CK An unusual opportunity for the nurse who Is seeking a unique working experience. For further information contact 10-2 p.m. -CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL 4614 Sunset Bl. NO.

3-3341, Ext. 351 An Equal Opportunity Employer NURSE5 RN s. 1-7 SHIFT EMERGENCY ROOM -CHILDRENS HOSPITAL-4614 Sunset Bl. NO.3-3341, Ext. 430 An equa opportunity employer NURSES-RN'S Medical Surgical 3 to 11, 11 to 7 Shifts Hawthorne Community Hospital 11711 Grevillea.

OS. 9-1711 NURSES LVNs PRACTICALS Medicine exp. pref. AM PM shifts. Local refs.

Apply Mrs. Schindler, Jewish Home for Aged, 325 So. Boyle. East LA. NURSES RN'S-LVN'S ALL SHIFTS, ALL DEPTS.

R. 7 to 3 3 to 11 t.C.U. 3 to 11 S. 11 to 7 Vu Pk. Community Hosp.

AX. 5-7330 NURSES RN'SLVN'S Expansion program creates openings for nurses in most areas. Living accommodations near hospital. HUNTINGTON HOSPITAL congress, rasaaena. st.o-ujoi NURSE Receptionist for "orthopedic dr.

in S.W. L.A. area. Prefer R.N. but not nec.

Orthopedic exper. de-sirerLSal. open. NURSES-RNS All shifts. Open salary.

Benefits. WE. 8-3851 "NURSE, RN SUPERVISORS Calif. License. $650 per Mo.

LINCOLN CARE CENTER 3611 N. Mission Rd. 221-9191, 8-4 NURSES L.V.N Practical. Modern, convalescent sanitarium. WLA area.

Phone VE.9-5201 NURSES, RN's. All shifts. Charge 8, medicine. Begin $500-8525 mo. Olvm- pia Hospital, 1.7-0236 NURSING DIRECTOR Psvchoana- lytically oriented hospital.

60 beds. Sal.j:pen. GR.9-'.28l,exl.33 NURSES R.N.S $476 mo LVN'S $355 mo. Los Angeles County Gen. 225-3115 ext.

71216 NURSE, ANESTHETIST. Good pay. short hours. Artesia Hos-spital. UN.

5-6244 NURSES AIDES, exp'd. only. All shifts. Xlnt. salary.

Convalescent hosp. 845 S. Burlington. 381-5585 NUKotb, KIN MA. 5-2733 RESTHAVEN PYSCHIATRjC HOSP.

NIIRSFS RN TH. 5-8211 ST. JOSEPH HOSPITAL, BURBAMK NurseHeadExp. MA.5-2733 Resthaven Psychiatric Hosp. NURSES R.Ns WANTED.

11 "to 7:30 shift. West Anaheim area. (714) 827-3000 "NURSES-RN'S Queen of Angels Hospital, 2301 1 Bellvue, L.A. NKVRSE5.cnT f'l6' Ar 1fSd Nurse S502- See ad Sun. 1 16.

John Wesley Hosp. 2826 S. Hope. NURSE. Asst.

oper. rm. sypv. See Sun. 1.16.

N0.3-8411Ext. 1316 NURSES-RN'S I 4777 SUNSET BLVD. L.A. NURSING See Ad. Sun.

1.16 AN.4-1031 Cedars-Sinai $355 mo See ad 116. Rancho Los Amigos Hosp. NURSE-LVN Practical. 2250 "29th st Santa Monica. 870-2576 miiDCC pk1 -r -iM RS RN.

Calif. Lie. for mild men- tal. Sanitar. Can live in.

UP. 03644 nurse rn relief 2 or 3 davsi Caljfter9 a.m.JJP. 0-9656. NURSES. RN's.

Daniel Freeman Hospital. 333 N. Prairie, Inglewood. NURSES. Rns.

Kaiser Found, Hps. 4867 Sunset. NO.3-8411, ext.1316 ti NURSES RNS, Anesthetist Hlywd. Presb. Hosp.

NO.2-9151 OFFICE IS IF AT FIRST YOU SUCCEED Last week we uspd an ad titled "HAD SOME COLLEGE?" The ad was a succpss, as wa hirpd a number of Qualified college trained peooie. Wi'h a few such iobs stitl ooen we dcioed to repeat the ad as follows: If vou had at least one year of accredited college training we have a variety of career oooortu-nities. To aae 30 Friendly atmosphere and qocd ppport unity for advancement in our new million Occidental Center. NO PHQNE APPLY IN CALLS PLEA5E PERSON ONLY OCCIDENTAL LIFE I14i Hill St Wain OFFICE:" Floor BOOKKEEPER-TYPIST A.llCt ha Avnar TKI. MtiliM ouires a with aunt know ledge of office procedures, including pavroil.

shorthand tvo- ing. Knowledge of PBX helpful but not req. Anoiy Mr Hayes, ADVANCE GEAR 5851 Holmes Ave L.A. OFFICE TEVPOSAP.Y WORK. WEEK r'ONTM CR Longer E30ANS TEV.PCRAPY PFRSONNEL 5155 I'U OF FlCE Trrro-rrv A VAN ron aii ii F', IE 'f 1.51 Th SO ST WE I 8156 Instr Cl l'f.

r.J IOI. ir iur tr'r-rrra A f'r- lr A I it 2511 W. 3rd L.A. An equal opportunity emplpyer KEYPUNCH OPR. Hours 5 P.M.

to 1 A.M. position for alert operator wih min. 1 yr. alpha numeric keypunch exp. Must drive own car, husband should work same shift.

Xlnt. co. benefits working cond. Call for Diane Meyer Security Title Insurance Co. (KEYPUNCH.

Univac S3. 35 hr. week. S390 mo. Xlnt.

benefits. Wri ters Guild, 8955 Beverly Blvd. Interviews 10 12. 274-8601 KEYPUNCH Xlnt. temprpos.

avail. Peakload. 385-5276 KEY PUNCH OPERATOR See Sun. ad. Lever Bros.

Co. Great Western Savings AX.4-4151 KEYPUNCH Oprs. Temp. Assign. Kel- ly Girl Service, 3200 Wilshire.

331-7951 Key Punch Operator I'M I IVriHL W133ILC KEY Punch, male or fetrv, 870-4755 full or pt. time 677-1101 for inf. KEY PUNCH OPERATORS Rocketdyne Canoga Park KEYPUNCH Xlnt. temp. pos.

avail Peakload 385-5276, KEYPUNCH OPr Swing Olympic Hope Union Bank, KEYPUNCH OPERATORS D.S. Miss Isaacson 451-4747 KEYPUNCH exper. oper. All areas. Ofc.

Aide. 620 S. Western.DU.W811 LAB. TECH. CHILDRENS HOSPITAL has opening for EKG Must be Hioh School Graduates 46U Sunset NO.3-3341, Ext.

351 An Equal opportunity Employer LAB TECH-MEDICAL Queen of Angels Hosp. Calif, license or eligible. Full or part ttme. Salary open. DU 2y111 11 -341 CXT.

DIU Or Jl I Lab tech lie. of the Good Samaritan Nights or Evenings HU. 2-81 11, Ext. 208 LAB TECHNOLOGIST Opening In major Medical center, salary open HU. 2-8111, Ext.

203 LAB TECH Licensed or eligibility. Part time, 5 days, morning hours. 938-3851, ext. 265 LAB TECHNOLOGIST, Calif. Lie.

Part on Full time. Excellent fringe benpfits. 294-5235 LAB. Bad. Lie.

or elig. S. Calif, perm. med. group.

4900 Sunset. LAB. Biochemistry Tech. See Sun. 116 ad.

Cedars of Lebanon Hospital. LADIES DIGNIFIED SALES CAREER uuisioe sales position for neat, am bilious woman. Age over 30, drive own car, gooo neaim. excellent earninas anri frino hanAfitt Mr. Driehaus, VE.9-2100 or UP.O 3723 "AVON CALLING YOU Immediate openings for representatives Earn $4 per hour or more Part time.

Phone for interview. i oil free ZFnith 7847 Fxt 8C LADIES: Earn extra monevln" your home. Give a card or stationery oartv. Mr Fllintt. hd rsm.ti, $100 lo S300 per mo.

Does this inter- est you? Call Ray. 254-7149 lukt. a-i rress operator. Nurses uniforms. Top pay for qualified.

Prnfaciinnil 1 rtru ft Tmnal Cart, 1750 W. 59th Place, L.A. LAUNDRY DISTRIBUTOR Experience. 820 W. Florence Inglewood.

678-2040 r-r. A r.r. LEGAL SECTY Steno TEMPORARY STIVERS LIFESAVERS 1 Yrs. Exo. Req.

Suite 807 3810 WILSHIRE BLVD. DU.6-3440 "I FGAI experienced in law office mgmt. bookkeeping for Beverly Hills gener- al practice. Box A-053, Times, LIBRARIAN Cataloger Excellent opportunity for young professional to assist in all activities of a small aerospace industrial library-Primary duties will include: Cataloging of books Coordinate indexing of technical reports Improve Thesaurus of indexing terms Assist in preparation of bibliographies BA degree required, MSLS preferred. Candidates having equivalent recent technical library experience will be considered Send rps'jfp with history to BCX TIVIS An fqudl Vif Opportunity fipli)yf mnjed.

Excellent company benefits. Five day week in modern air conditioner! office and training at full salary for beginners. Type 50 w.p.m. Plus. Age 18-30.

Leqal Dept. Learn legal clerical procedures. No shorthand. Unusual, opportunity for responsible person. Loss Prevention Dept.

Work with engineers. Interesting and diversified duties. Figure aptitude helpful. APPLY LIBERTY MUTUAL INS. CO.

6006 WILSHIRE BLVD. (NEAR FAIRFAX) CLERICAL We need mature women experienced in General Office duties for our Draoery and Carpet Departments. Must have math aptitudes to figure yardages. Ability use phones. Typing helpful.

PERMANENT POSITION LIBERAL COMPANY BENEFITS APPLY PERSONNEL OFFICE Barker Bros. 7th and Flower in. thru Fri. 10 a.m. to i p.m.

Correspondent C-ieral clerical work and premium 1 preparatory to handling espondence with policy owners agents. Must have good figure and typing skills. For interview I p'ronnel dnt. (8-4) MA. 6-6351 1 BENEFICIAL INS.


Mon.Tues.Wed. 10-1 1263 Westwood (nr. Wilsh) Rm. 117 CLERK TYPIST Light typing. Job with opportunity good fringe benefits.

FAMILY RECORD PLAN 2015 W. Olympic Blvd. DU. 1-2131 CLERICAL Clerical Positions Lots of variety PBX operator, slat, typists, clerk typists Type 5r-60 w.p.m. If you can meet the challenge of an interestirg iob, call lor interview appointment.

Personnel Dept. (8-41 MA. 6-6351 BENEFICIAL INS. GROUP 756 S. Spring, Los Angeles.

CLERK STENO Downtown office of public aqency. Type 60 WPM. Good clerical background with filing experience. U.S. Citizen.

J417 to start. Call Mr. Raines. 624-9792. CLERK TYPIST Exp.

order 8, Invoice typist. Know-ledoe DD250 desirable, married. Age 25 to 35. Good working cond. Top benefits.

Mrs. McKee. 849-23311 nrrw pirrrnTtrvkitCT V.LLlN"lL.Lr I lUIN 10 I Young, Wholesale junior aporrv wear, etc. Downtown. Fringe benefits.


in kardex ex peditmg. Light typing. Age 25-45 Cn benefits Own transportation ne cessary. Mercury Air Parts 10459 W. Jefferson Culver City.

UP. 0-5921 CLERICAL Good phone voice and typist to answer phone, take ana turit nrrir. tvne inunirec Min 1 yr. exper. Dntn.

indust. area. $325 mo. start. Ca.l 769-162 after 6 P.m.

CLERK, grave vara snin. computw tap' company has exceptional op- portunily for young woman 1R-30 to learn new field. 477-5511 linn Full 8. oart me. 879- 73 CLERK typist.

40 w.p manual. Hi schl. orad 2 yrs. exp. $400 Per.

manent. Mrs. Mackey. 481-6905 rt LOv Cr ImmiiHialslw tftmn ccia ywenr. 7' J- 'J 1 day or several wxs.

oai wesiern LLtRM r. REXALL DRUGS Clerical. Gen'l Office 4777 Sunset Blvd L.A Clerical-File Clerks 4777 Sunset Blvd Lk Clerical help needed now' Call lor app't. Ins. Co.

CR. 3-4202 CLERkS Jr. Immd temp pen avail. Peakload 385 5276 riERK-tvnist In Accounts Pevabie, 4 yrs enper CI FHK TYPIST I Hi Venire B'vd DU I 3441 CI fl'rk! Sec 1st Nt I Bar 1 4 4tn It If ly lo PUc a TIMES Classified Ad (ill (29 4411 i i I I I conditions and benefits. Wilshire-Part Vermont area.

Please send brief let-typing. ler or resume outlining personal history, skills and business referen fits and salary commensurate with background. Call 382-5481, Ext. 289 or 291 for appointment AETNA LIFE 8, CASUALTY 2404 Wilshir Rm. 1341 An Equal Opportunity Employer Males also considered FILE clerk.

H.S. grad. Age 17-22. No typing. 387-4989 FLOOR LADY Expd.

to act as chief inspector for women's sportswear mfgr. Shipping Dept. MA. 3-3295 FLOOR Lady asst. for qual.

contr. instruc. Ladies sptswear. MA. 4-6411 FRONT OFFICE Channel Impt.

exec, calls callers, meet greet exec, applicants in our personnel ofc. We will train all phases ot personnel to brite typist anxious to enter the personnel field. Advance to personnel counselor. Aames Bureau of Employment Agency. Miss Lane.

381-7555, ext. 75. FUND RAISER Exp'd. in Community organization, personable, good speaker, for Jewish philanthropy Willing to relocate in San Franc'sco. Write P.O.

Box 5565, L.A. FURNITURE Finisn. Soom helper. SandingGlazing exp. AN.


INTERVIEWS EVERY DAY at 620 S.Westem DU.1-7811 An equal opportunity employer GENERAL OFFICE Variety of duties, must type and 10 key add. Alert good with figures. Beverly Hills area. Oppor-tunity for advancement. Call Mr.

Tanner, 87B-3211 GENERAL OFFICE t- 1" Moderate typing rvntiirnti Aoe IA tn 77 annlv erly Medical Supply, 8719 Wilshire RiuH Reueriv Mills GENERAL'OFFICE TEMPORARY WORK. WEEK, MONTH OR Longer BROWN'S TEMPORARY PERSONNEL 1100 Glendon, W.L.A., Rm. 1433 Nr. Wilshire and Westwood Blvd ir GENERAL OFFICE Lge. West L.A.

mortgage co. has opening for light typist. Xlnt. fringe benefits. Exp.

not necessary. GR. 4-4525 TR. 9-0887 GENERAL OFFICE Need efficient girl for varied office duties. Exper'd on addressograoh machine or will teach.

Apply 3727 W. Olympic Blvd. GENERAL Office. Interesting posi-I tion wrecord co. varied work tor sharp girl In 4-girl oflice.

Good startinq salary S. generous fringe benefits. Call for app't. Mercury Record Corp. 748-9821; GENERAL OFFICE Typing 8 transcribing.

Must have car. Huntington ParkSo. Gate area Start $80 wk. Call 582-9227 GENERAL office receptionist typist Hrs. Start $300 mo.

H.S qrad Aqe 21-35. Vermont 'Washington Area. 731-0981 ext 8. GENERAL OFFICE Filing, typing, 500 S. Virgil Ave gen.

office exp. 388-1361 GEN. OFFICE. Shorthand nec. De tailed duties.

Salary commensurate' with ability. Vic Washington Ver-' mont. Mrs. Smith. 735-5185 GENERAL Office.

Some posting experience desirable. Plea- sant phone voice. Take phone or-. Salary noen. AN.8-2583 MP- uvrr rnoncarBon record distributor.

733-1134 GENERAL OFFICE" bee Classification 2350 for additional employment opportunities. rCki'l a.n'ri rmrirm clerical, xlnt IVDIM. 1TIIIIU. J'fl'l iJJV ll'V uu Mice AAever W. 6th.

Set Miss GENERAL office clerk. Wilsh. area DOT SERVICES. PH. 386-8710 GENERAL Office.

Payroll, tvping, phone. 1321 W. 135 GarrHna GEN. ofc" Typing, 1 girl oflice. 3753 Robertson, Cmver city.

11-3 P.m GEN OFC Good aptitude for fi oures. Small aedg otc NO.5-5713 G'JNERAL OHice Girl. Typing, etc Work in LA area. 714-444-72 iO GENERAL O't'Ce Will train 43 worn file amer phene, yi KM TREASURY CF IDEAS For a wid itlection of mtrchondin value, chik Timti Clottifitd Adi. You mII lovt tim and mont.

i ces. BoxAJSSj Times. NSURANCE" TYPISTS FILE CLERKS stenographers DICTAPHONE OPR. THE TRAVELERS 3600 WILSHIRE DU. 1-2525 An equal opporty.

employer INSURANCE CHECK-MAKEUP TYPIST Woman age 20-45 for check makeup desk in casualty insurance company. Some casualty insurance experience preferred. Salary open. SUPERIOR Mr. Hogan.

INSURANCE CO. DU. 7-2211 INSURANCE Processing Coding Clerk Prefer 20-45 years of age with 40 M. accurate manual typewriter to prepare claim drafts. Call 382-5481 Ext.

289 or 291 lor appointment AETNA LIFE 8. CASUALTY 2404 Wilshire Rm. 1341 An Eoual Opportunity Employer Males also considered IS INSURANCE Expanding agency needs trainee in A8.H Dept. High school grad. Light tvping reauired.

Advancement oppty. Egual oppty. employer. MA. 7-4461.

Mr. Ellis. INSURANCE Type 50 wpm 90 wpm THE TRAVELERS 36O0 Wilshire DU. 1-2525 An egual opprty. Femplover if INSURANCE-FIRE New B.

Hills Ofc. needs 2 girl. Agcy. axp. tiec.

Benefits. TR.8-3555; "insurance agency girl Experienced all lines. Bev. Hills area Salary open, benefits OL. 2-82)0 OL.5-9710 INSURANCE Agency woman.

Estab. office in Sanla Monica EX 1-1714 INSURANCE Clerk tvpis- P.c'a-phnne, gen I. of'ice work vures. JjjO mo Can iii-7381 IN5 Aycv i no auto da ms. eic Age 70 jf 6v 's CR 3 INS Aury Ciaims-Fir a Au't MUST Bt EXP 100 wx OL i)M INS.

Ann 4 C'4 i Co' i yi ut iki. 'A fori in-r oeei tiWNf el'i' -f H-fll a pi a. hi INS 'till 41 Mffur flo''r weoicai exp. wtisnire di. 1 CREDIT RETAIL DEPT lGfN Office.

Young lady. Good JEROME'S, 735 Set. Broadway, L.A.! Phone andle te leo lones, typ- DENTAL Addinga-chine rBalr.irl. x.r.v. jl rt wk.

No Sat Wilsh. ofc WE. 6-0553 DENTAL-Crown bridge dept exper. Some knowledge of wax-uo rnuinji arA VM-IISKA dfntai ASSISTANT Experienced. r.

rvtannaiian peacn area je-or4 utniiAL 5si5Tam. 4ge i gin ofc. Exo'd. NO. 3-3289 DENTAL Assistant.

Experienced Dr. Wiseman. 550 S. Broadway, L.A. DENTAL Assist.

Amer. bom Span. Spkng. Exper. X-ray.

F'T. OL. 3-6700 Dictaphone Oprs. TEMPORARY FOR IMMEDIATE PLACEMENT it WESTERN GIRL WESTERN MEN tl'6 Wil SHIflf, SU'Te A (Ntf PAKKING tJLDG CAPAI f-2al A ff A. INCH VO.0 I PINk Avt llNG St Al 4 4i or uvr SO CAT, i Hfc ii vn CO' A sai IA (II IH I iN (n ANAHt toilaciiM i yr' (..

"a ft 1 I i I ly -r i OrtiH A it I 1 ntHf.t 1m-r'v I I' 1 i 1 1 1 flit I iH ti ftH: it I 11 r- i't'NI t. A Aft A- ji m.s ark ma jfc m. afc iM.

The Los Angeles Times from Los Angeles, California (2024)


Is it The Los Angeles Times or Los Angeles Times? ›

The Los Angeles Times is a regional American daily newspaper that began publishing in Los Angeles, California in 1881.

What kind of newspaper is Los Angeles Times? ›

Los Angeles Times, morning daily newspaper founded (1881) in Los Angeles that in the 1960s began to develop from a regional daily into one of the world's great newspapers.

Who used to own LA Times? ›

Harrison Gray Otis became a partial owner of the Los Angeles Times in 1882, a year after its establishment. He incorporated it within a public corporation, the Times-Mirror Company (the hyphen was later dropped from the name), in 1884.

What is the largest newspaper in California? ›

Top 30 newspapers in California sorted by circulation
1Los Angeles TimesLos Angeles, CA
2Los Angeles Times en EspanolLos Angeles, CA
3The Beacon NewspapersCathedral City, CA
4San Francisco ChronicleSan Francisco, CA
26 more rows

What is the audience of the Los Angeles Times? ›

The Los Angeles Times is the largest metropolitan daily newspaper in the country, with a daily readership of 1.2 million and 2.1 million on Sunday, more than 32 million unique visitors monthly and a combined print and online local weekly audience of 4.4 million.

Who runs the L.A. Times? ›

Chris Argentieri is president and chief operating officer of the Los Angeles Times, overseeing all the business operations of The Times.

What is the breaking news in California? ›

  • OC woman who beat 2-year-old stepson into a coma gets life in prison.
  • Emmys 2024: Top Nominees Make History.
  • French actor and heartthrob Alain Delon dies at 88.
  • Suspect apprehended in South LA after using multiple vehicles to flee.
  • More than $1.6M in cocaine washed up on beaches during Hurricane Debby.

Is the Times left or right? ›

In general, the political position of The Times is considered to be centre-right. The Times was the first newspaper to bear that name, inspiring numerous other papers around the world, such as The Times of India and The New York Times.

Does the L.A. Times still print a paper? ›

The last L.A. Times print run at the Olympic Plant in downtown Los Angeles. The Olympic printing plant where the Los Angeles Times was published for more than 30 years printed the paper for the last time March 10, 2024. When Tribune Co. owned the newspaper, it sold the property, making The Times a tenant.

What is the leading black newspaper in Los Angeles? ›

Established in 1933, the Los Angeles Sentinel is an African American owned and operated newspaper that puts emphasis on issues concerning the African American community and its readers.

How famous is the L.A. Times? ›

It is the fourth most popular newspaper in the United States. It was created in 1881.

Who owned Los Angeles? ›

It became a part of Mexico in 1821 following the Mexican War of Independence. In 1848, at the end of the Mexican–American War, Los Angeles and the rest of California were purchased as part of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo and became part of the United States.

Is the L.A. Times profitable? ›

Driving the news: A former top editor estimates the L.A. Times is losing $50 million a year, The Wrap reports.

Is the in the L.A. Times capitalized? ›

When certain papers use their own nicknames — The Times, The Tribune, The Herald or what have you — they follow a policy of always capitalizing the T in The. That irony aside: When writing a proper name that begins with “The,” it usually makes sense to capitalize the T.

What is the time in Los Angeles called? ›

California uses Pacific Standard Time (PST) during standard time and Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) during Daylight Saving Time (DST).

Is there a time difference in Los Angeles? ›

Los Angeles is in the UTC/GMT-8 time zone in winter, and in the UTC/GMT-7 time zone in summer.


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Article information

Author: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Views: 6285

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Reviews: 82% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Birthday: 2001-08-13

Address: 96487 Kris Cliff, Teresiafurt, WI 95201

Phone: +9418513585781

Job: Senior Designer

Hobby: Calligraphy, Rowing, Vacation, Geocaching, Web surfing, Electronics, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.