The Winona Daily News from Winona, Minnesota (2024)

Conserving energy in the kitchen In addition to turning down the thermostat, pulling the drapes and turning off extra lights, consumers can save additional by using conservation methods in the kitchen, says the Committee on Consumer Affairs of the American Petroleum Industry. Hints offered by the committee 1 for energy conservation in the kitchen include: Planning oven meals since a complete meal can be cooked in the oven as economically as one food item. The oven should be turned off as soon as food is removed. Preheating of the oven should take no longer than 10 minutes. Except for the oven does not need to be baking, preheated, the committee noted.

Avoid oven-peeping since opening the door allows heat to escape as does a poor seal on the door. The committee also recommends using the oven in place of stove surface units Eight WSC students named to 'Who's Who' Eight Winona State College students have beei accepted for the 1973-74 "Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges" program. The program honors outstanding lastic campus leaders for their schoand community achievements. The announcement was made by Dr. John Kane, dean of student affairs.

Students whose biographies will appear in the current "Who's Who" edition are: Patricia Dixen, Ellendale, senior, business administration; Janet Dowd, Albert Lea, senior, elementary education; Gerald Eichman, Galesville, senior, health and physical education; Scott Epstein, Winona, senior, social science; Rosalie Gulbransen, Hayfield, junior, recreation and leisure activities; Gary Johnson, Luverne, senior, elementary education; Robert Ouren, Winona, senior, music; Cindy Scrabeck, Harmony, senior, elementary education. and Only graduate college, students upperclassmen ble for the program. Student members of the program have, as a lifetime benefit, the use of the reference and placement service maintained for the assistance of students seeking post gradual employment or fellowships. Open house showering SPRING GROVE, Minn. (Special) An open house shower in honor of Miss Cindy Morken, bride-to-be of Daniel Groth, will be held Saturday at 2 p.m.

at the Trinity Center. since less heat is lost in confined areas. Frozen food should be thawed before cooking whenever practical to cut down on the cooking time. Glass containers which can be used in the oven will permit the lowering of the temperature by 25 degrees. Using surface units as efficiently as possible by matching pots and pans to size of burners.

A pot that's too small for a burner will allow extra heat to escape. Flat-bottomed pans provide closer contact with the surface unit. When making dishes which take a long time to cook, such as soups, spaghetti sauce or stews, it is suggested that double recipe be prepared with the extra portion frozen for use at a later time. Saucepans should be covered whenever possible to cook the food faster at a reduced temperature setting. High flames are seldom required for long periods of time and should be adjusted to a lower one when it will do as well.

Use a minimum of water when cooking so it will heat more quickly. Toasters, waffle irons, skillets, grills, popcorn, poppers and fondue pots less energy for their specialized jobs than does a range, so the smaller appliances should be used whenever possible. Area woman receives lifetime membership MABEL, Minn. (Special) Mrs. Florance White, 93, was presented a lifetime membership in the United Society of Friends Women at the Hesper Friends Missionary Society meeting held recently at the home of Mrs.

RoStreet, Hesper, Iowa. Mrs." White has been a member of the society for the past 70 years, having served in many capacities throughout her membership. She still attends meetings regularly and completes the reading course each year and also contributes many baby quilts for the mission Mrs. White lives at the Eastern Star Home, Decorah, Iowa. Coloring books are called worthless BERKELEY, Calif.

(UPI) Coloring books are worthless classroom busywork that may even provoke a youngster's hostility, according to Berkeley school superintendent Richard Foster. He asserted at a school board meeting last week that "teachkids to draw between little lines is antithetical to education. We should all learn to draw free form, not according to some pattern." coloring books occupy time. They don't teach a WISCONSIN HOME Mr. and Mrs.

Robert G. Olson (Jill Serum) are at home in Eau Claire, following their Nov. 3 wedding at Immanuel Lutheran Church, Strum, Wis. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Marvin Serum, Alma, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Spencer R. Olson, Strum. Honor attendants were Mrs.

Joyce Peterson, sister of the bride, and Dennis Olson, GILBERG-GREENWELL VOWS Miss Linda Lou Gilberg and Robert Jack Greenwell Jr. were united in marriage in an October ceermony at Mount Calvary Lutheran Church, Trempealeau, Wis. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Gilberg, Trempealeau, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr.

and Mrs. Robert Greenwell Ettrick, Wis. Hon- or attendants were Mrs. Gary Osley and Dennis Thompson. Following a honeymoon in Missouri, the couple are at home in rural Arcadia, Wis.

The bride, a graduate of Healy Memorial High School, Trempealeau, is employed by Gale Products, Galesville, Wis. The bridegroom is a graduate of Blair High School and attended Wisconsin State University River Falls. He is employed by La Vern Sonsalla. (Thomas Hunter photo) LUTHERAN VOWS. Living Hope Lutheran Church, Ettrick, was the setting for the Nov.

10 wedding of Miss Carol Ann Sorenson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Sorenson, Ettrick David Allen Beck, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Zertler, Phillips, Wis.

Mrs. Wilber Salzwedel was matron of honor and Daniel Beck was best man. Following a honeymoon in Northern Wisconsin the couple will live at Medford, Wis. The bride is a graduate of Gale-Ettrick-Trempealeau High School and Western Wisconsin Technical Institute, La Crosse. Prior to her marriage she was employed by the Trempealeau County Nurse's office.

The bridegroom, a graduate of Phillips High School, attended Wisconsin State University-Superior and is employed by Phillips Plastics Medford Division. (King Studio) Catholic vows unite couple PLAINVIEW, Minn. (Special) Miss Jacquelyn Ann Nigon, daughter of Leonard Nigon, Eyota, and Thomas Joseph Welti, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Welti, Plainview, 'were united in marriage in an October ceremony at St.

Francis of Assisi Catholic Church, Rochester, Minn. The couple were attended by Mrs. Robert Kullot and Thomas Petit. Following a honeymoon to Canada and the West Coast, the couple will live in Plainview. The bride is a graduate of Dover-Eyota High School and was employed by Northwestern Bell Telephone Co.

prior to her marriage. The bridegroom, a graduate of Plainview High School and Southern School of Agriculture, Waseca, is engaged in farming. BOND DEFEATED PINE CITY, Minn. (AP) Voters in Pine City Tuesday defeated a $2.9 million school bond issue for a new high school in the eastern Minnesota community. The vote was 1,546 against the bond issue and 863 (in favor of the proposal.

For the lady in pants. skirts and dresses COLOr Navy or New Camel Wild Goat in stock Available in Briarwood, Red or Black. Pantelle $25.00 Add $2.00 for sizes over ten, Sheinbauer's 69 West Levee Plaza WJHS honor roll announced First quarter honor rolls at Winona Junior High School have been announced by Harvey Kane, principal, AA HONOR ROLL Seventh Grade: Diana Alampi, Laurie Bronk, Ruth clough, Lynn Conway, Debra Crothers, Barbara Fick, Santha Fusillo, Karen Hagmann, Bruce Hoff, Nancy Keller, Mary Kuklinski, Debra Langowski, Laurie Larson, Christopher Lueck, Cynthia Pozane, Daniel Richardson, Carolyn Rohrer, Lynn Rukavina and Patsy Smith, Eighth Grade: Terry Buege, Susan Decker, Betty Doebbert, Timothy Mueller, Nancy Star. zecki and Linda Ninth Grade: Lynn Averill, Kevin Bartelson, Nancy Brown, Tammy Buck, Lori Drazkowski, Patricia Elliott, Robert Fick, Renee Galewski, Sharon Garry, Deann Gehlhaart, Lori Holmay, Anita Johnson, Sharon Marg, James Marley, Randall Miller, Charles Mueller, Molly Murphy, Lynda Perry, Cheryl Pflughoeft, Mary Poferl, Maureen Regan and Carl Steigerwald. A HONOR ROLL Seventh Grade: Beth Ambrosen, Shelley Anderson, Helen Crawford, Lori Dolentz, Brent Drenckhahn, Susan Friesen, Debra Gehlhaart, Daniel Gilbertson, Heidi Guenther, Mark Gunderson, Debra Haner, Wendy Hengel, Bradley Hitt, Dana Jasnoch, Michael Kane, Susan Johnson, Kurt Karsten, Jennifer Langford, Shawn Linahan, Nancy McCabe, R.

Scott MeQueen, Gregg Marg, Dave Maurice, Shelley Maus, Barbara Mueller, Nancy Myers, Amy Nankivil, Karen Olson, Mary Polachek, Ann Rendahl, Nanette Richards, Jennifer Scott, Marjorie Solberg, Juli Tideman, Linda Untiet, Kimberly Van Kirk, Jon Varner, G. Scott Walters, Tammy Williamson, Mark Wolfe, Jill Woodworth and Eric Woolums. Eighth Grade: Jody Barge, Heidi Beeman, Jody Behnke, Patricia Berg, Jodi Bucher, Karen Case, Sandra Clausen, Don a Drazkowski, Linda Dukes, Susan Erpelding, Hackbarth, Drew Hamernik, Brian Hamerski, Celia Henderson, Scott Jackels, Beth Keister, Anthony Langowski, Jane Mahlke, Mark Masyga, Gena Mueller, Steve Nett, Dana Nickles, Ronald Olson, James Pickett, Jacquelyn Putz, Daniel kavina, Charles Smith, Sheryl Stehn, Lori Tudahl, Pauline Tulare, Mary Voelker, Ann Walker, Kathleen Welch and Jean Wiezek. Ninth Grade: Kristi Anderson, Terry Baia, Thomas Bartz, Christian Baudhuin, Vauneth Behnke, Linda Berg, Celeste Bischel, Debra Borkowski, Thomas Brandt, Kimberly Brown, Sue Burnett, Cori Duellman, Cindy Erickson, Deborah Florin, Aaron Fox, Vivian Gernes, Keith Groth, Sharon Gudbrandsen, Mark Guidinger, Wendy Hackbarth, Lori Hagedo Catherine Hagmann, Cathy Haner, Michael Heaser, Judy Hodge, Sue Hoffman, Robert Horst, Tara Kazemba, Barbara Kronebusch, Daniel Kryzer, Kathryn Kurtzbein, Daryl Lanz, Lori Lilla, Tina Lindgren, Kim McManus, David Mahike, Lynda Marshall, Rhonda Nepper, Mary O'Laughlin, Debra Pelowski, Michelle Philipps, Cheryl Pickart, Kevin Poblocki, Loretta Ready, Marilyn Reinhard, Matthew Ruland, Kelly Sanden, William Schuth, Peter Schwab, Ann Sheehan, Julie Stiever, William Stoltman, Paul Thicke, Therese Ulbrech, Susan Wagner, Jeanne Weisbrod, Bill Worner and Jim Zaborowski. HONOR ROLL Seventh Grade: Daniel Alf, David Av.

erill, Stewart Baker, Mark Bambenek, Barker, Melody Baron, Kayla Barteison, Cynthia Bartz, Robert Beeman, Steven Bell, Donna Bergier, David Biggerstaff, Mike Blank, Holly Bourne, Susan Brabitt, Jane Brommerich, Aaron Plastic solar panels researched NORTHFIELD, Minn. (AP), The G. T. Schjeldahl Co. of Northfield is beginning research into the fabrication and testing of plastic materials to serve as mirrors for possible use in solar energy power plants.

The research is funded by a $260,000 grant from the National Science Foundation. Donald E. Anderson, vicepresident for research and development, said preliminary Police computer found something less than perfect SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) The police computer is not infallible. That's the word from Police Chief Donald M. Scott who ordered his officers Monday to listen to motorists who claim the Police Department's computer could make a mistake.

Scott said the computer in the Central Warrant Bureau could be way behind in tabulating when a citizen pays his traffic fine. So, the chief said, when patrolmen check a driver's record by radio and the bureau shows an outstanding warrant, the policemen should listen him if he says he has paid the fine. The Police Department has been the target of several lawsuits as a result of erroneous computer readouts on traffic warrants. Nursing home faces fuel shortage BLACK RIVER FALLS, Wis. (Special) Verne Brown superintendent of Pineview Home, formerly the Jackson County Home here, has been told by suppliers he can only expect about 80 percent of the fuel oil the home received last year.

However, he also has been informed by the state the home must be kept at 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Brown said he knows he can't maintain temperature with reduced fuel oil, but he told the Jackson County board this past week he and similar county and private nursing homes throughout Wisconsin are united in efforts to meet the situation. Speaking of the new wing under construction at the home, Brown said the new basem*nt is completed and the center core section is about 70 percent finished. Work is advancing on the new wing but Brown does not expect to be able to move into it until June. He said the contractors expect to be finished in March.

Brown also informed the county board that Dr. Richard Holder is the medical director of home and its 122 residents. Buck, Lori Buehler, Laura Bundy. Clare Burfeind, Colleen Burke. Pamela Buschow, Thomas Buswell, David man, Linda Byom, David Cade, Carolyn Cerney, Carrie Chapiewski, Paula tensen, Dawn Christenson, Juanita Cieminski, William Cleminski, Janet Clerzan, Robert Curtis, Mark Davis, Barbara Degnan, Michelle Dennis, Tammy DeWitte, Mike Dueliman, Dietrich, Dawn Marcia Ellinghuysen, Doyle, Jeffrey Eppens, John Erpeiding, Roger Fenske, Tamara Ferguson, Timothy, Ferguson, Michael Fleming, Paul Follman, John Fox, Renea Gottschalk.

Ava Grunz, Maria Guidinger, Valerie Gunner, Lisa Habeck, Joseph Harms, Cynthia Hauser, Terry Hengel, Edward Hildebrandt, Hill, John Hoffman, Karen Hokenstrom, David Holtzworth, Sara, Hoodecheck, Scott Husser, Howard, Carol Linda Iverson, Hughes, Jandt, Paul Jandt, Nancy Johnson, chel Johnson, Lori Kristi Kalina, Carolyn Kern, Joel Kiekbusch, Kim Kirk, Julie Kluender, Kevin Knoll, Mary Koe. nig, Greg Konkel, Timothy Konkel, Debra Koopman, Vance Korder, George Kosidowski, Debby Kowles, Kimberly Kreuzer, Jeffrey Kuchel; Lisa Kuhimann, Gerald Kukowski, Paul Kulas, Ted Kuusisto, Jeffrey Lar: son, Beverly Lebakken, Kelly Lee, Kristi Lehnertz. Thomas Lehnertz, Scott Leisen, Lana Lemielux, Sandra Lewinski, Linda Liebsch, Richard Lilla, Tammy Lockwood. Lindgren, Vicki Lindstrom, Kristi Ellyn Lovas, Shirley Lundtvedt, Michael McCaffrey, McKenna, Kelly Markham, McManus. McNally, Lisa Marshall, Susan Marshall, Tina Maschka, Masyga, Bryceson Maus.

Thomas Lori Meier, Luke Merchiewitz, Eric Miller, Patricia Miller, Kenneth Mishark, Brian Monahan, James Morey, Nancee Mueller, Pamela Mullen, Daniel Munson, Deborah Nelson. Jeffrey Neison, Edward Nix. Scoff Noeska, Lori Northrup, Lisa Nutt, Lawrence Oevering, John 'Laughlin, Olson, Kevin O'Reilly, Stefan PalGary lazza, Victoria Palmer, Graham Parpart, John Pelowski, Robert Peplinski, Kathy Peshon, Jeffery Peterson, Patsy Poblocki, Ramer, Lori Todd Rasmussen. Veronica Price, Rick Przytareki, lel Ready, James Reinarts, Christopher Renk, Holly Robb, Christopher Robinson, Pamela Roessier, Clinton Ronnenberg, Nancy Roterling, Mary Running, Lynne Sabo, Serena Sadness, Julie Schmitt, Schreiber, Paul Schroeder, Alvin bara Schueler, Mark Schultz, Joseph Schuth, Benjamin Schwab, Anita Seeling, Serwa, James Soderberg, Laurel Linda Sommer, Nicholas Speltz, Sandra Lori Speltz, Vicky Speltz, Matthew Spiter, Lorie Stein, Mathew Streater, Dawn zer, James Sweet, Shelley Thode, Suffrins. Janet Tiliman, Penny Timm, Kathryn Tomashek, Denise Tropple.

Nancy Tust, James Van Deiinse, Dawn Vanderzee, Jeff Wadewitz, Jane Troppie, Wanek, Mary Welch, Eriene Welshons, Werner, Joy Whetstone, Michael Rochelle Whetstone, Lori Wieczorek, Lynn Wiese, Therese Wilson, Peggy Wondrow, Donaid Wroblewski, David Zaborowski, Kay Zaborowski, Mark Zachary, Theresa Eighth Grade: Jeffery Abrams, Wayne Zimmerman, and Jeffery Zwonitzer. Anderson, Bobette Archibald, Laurie Arnold, Theresa Balhorn, Ann Bambenek, Lynn Bambenek, Debra Barnewitz, Kimberly Beach, John Beard, dette Beeman, Kristina Bergland, Scott Bestul, Donna Bieber, Robert Bigelow, Daniel Bjoraker, Carrie Blackwell, Sharon Bonine, Susan Bourne, Dean Brandt, Block, Luann Boettcher, Kelly Robert Bronk, Cindy Bradley Brewer, Brown, James Bunke, Pamela Burcalow, Glenn Chadbourn, Lisa Chapiewski, ven Clerzan. Lorrie Ciszak, Pamela Coleman, ese Collins, Chris Connaughty, Cornwell, Anne Corser, Damien Michael ford, Robert Cummings, Lonnie Cyert, William Darby, Brad Dettman, Dueliman, Nancy Dulek, Bruce Ebertow: ski, Charles Eddy, Beth Eifealdt, Tami Elliott, Scott Evenson, Judith Fahrendholz, Kelly Fox, Kimberly Frank, garet Frank, Suzanne Gerling, Stephen Gernes, Renee Giverson, Gottschalk, Timothy Linda Glowe- Gough. Susan Grangaard, Jodi Grote, Frank Grulkowski, Nancy Grund, Greg Gunderson, Lawrence Haas, Kristine Hackbarth, Doyle Herman, Jay Hansen, Barbara Laurie Hanson, Sonja Hanson, Hanson, Harkness, Mark Harris, Loni Bruce vey, Marsha Hemmesch, Joan Hengel, Susan Hill, Douglas HinPaul Hengel, richs, Kristine Hipps, Denice Helmeland, Janet Hoeppner, Joni Hoffman, John Hogue, Jill Hohensee, Diane HornLinda Howard, James Jewell, Carl berg, Johnson, Carrie Johnson, Jennifer Nancy Rotering, Mary Running, Lynne Jill Johnson, Kevin Johnson, Joslin, Roberta Kahle, Kelly KaiJohnson, James David Karsten, Beth Kazemba, ser, Knopick, Kevin Konkel, Steve Konkel, Kevin Kotlarz, Vicki Kotlarz, Kreuzer, Keith Krings, Thomas Jaye Kryzer, Ronald Kuhn, Daniel Kunst, Barbara Kwollk, Mar. (in Larson, Mary Leggin, Denise Lehnertz, Lori Lehnertz, Nancy Lehnertz, Kathy Lewiniski, Lisa Lilia, Thomas Lofquist, Kathy Lovas, Cynthia Luke, Donna Lundtvedt, David McGill, Marilla McMartin, Kathleen McNally, Siri Marfin.

Jodi Matejka, Rock Matinees. Aleata Meier, Richard Meier, Carol Meyer. Mary Meyers, John Miller, Timothy Mile ler, Amy Minnis, Steven Miranda, Eliot Mishark, Susanne Moo. Carol Molitor, Donald Mueller, Doris Mueller, Pamela Mueller, Dawn Mullen, Craig Myers. Fred Naas.

Cart Nelson, Nancy Neison. Rebecca Newell, Robert O'Brien, Daryl Oevering, James Oiness, Rebecca Olson, Bruce Onnen, Robert Pape, Tracy Piontkowski, Jennifer Potvin. Themes Pozanc. Scott Prosser, David Praybyiski, Gregory Ready. Dennis Reed, Kris Rekstad, Ricky Repinski, Lina Sanchez, Kim Sane len, Rick Sandvig, Becky Sawyer, Conrad Scherbring, Virginia Scherbring, Kelly Schlueter, Mary Schneider, Alan Schollmeler, Charles Schuler, Jeanne Schultz, Wendy Schumacher, David Scott, Daniel Seavey, Wanda Seeling, Suzanne Sexton, Liane Shaffer, Cynthia Sikorski, Denise Simpson, Lori Sobeck, Cynthia Somers, Christine Spiten, James Stanislawski, Linda Steber, Lee Stolt.

man, Debbie Storsveen, Joyce Strelow, Brian Stremcha, Sara Struble. David Stumpf, Kenneth Swanson, Daniel ling, Karen Tanner, Gary Thelen, Hope Thilmany, Laura Thurston, Roger ten. Connie Trocinski, Connie Tropple, Cheryl Valentine, James Valentine. Donna Van Delinse, Linda Vanderzee, Kathleen Van Kirk, Kevin Wade, Steven Walsh, Cheryl Walther, Priscilla Webster, Ann Wenzel, Sandra Whitcomb, Judith Wieser, Jodi Will, Victoria Williams, Sheri Wolfe, Jane Wood, Sally Wood, Susan Ziebell, John Zimmerman. Ninth Grade: Dick Allred, Henry Alone Christine Anderson, Clyde Anderson, Tom Anderson, William Anderson, Keith Baertein, Lori' Bambenek, Terl Becker, Byron, Bob Barth, Debbie Beach, Dennis Benson, Doug Berg, Paul Bertel, Bluck, Wade Boldf, Karen BowTerry man, Roger Boyer, Bruce Brandt, John Brommerich, Julle Bublitz, Bremmerich, Tammy Bundy, Robert Brown, Robert Terrie Burbach, Brian Burke, Briget Burke, Jeffrey Buswell, Jenny Buswell, Shelley Buswell, Greg Cada, Michael Dawn Carison, Coral tensen, Michael Christensen.

Judith Cleminski, Theresa Cleminski, Joan Cisewski, Steven Collins, Betsy Critchfield, Kevin Cross, Mary Geraldine Daniel, Kathy Dennis, key, Sam Dresser, Denise Dueliman, Cindy Scot Ender, Scott Engier, Egge, berly Erickson, Michael Erickson, Wile Erpelding, Dawn Fenske, Kevin llam Fentonn, Paulette Feuling, Terry agan, Rhonda Fort, Stephen Foss. Kare Frahm, Roxanne Galewski, en Garber, Greg Geheren, Greg Gellow, Brian Goergen, Lauri Gottschalk, Jeff Grossell, Janine Grote, Pamela Grover, Helen Haedtke, Pam Haedtke, Laurie Halliday, Steve Hammond, Cindy Haeser, Lynn Karol Hellman, Susan Heidenreich, Gall Henthorne, Doreen Hermann, gel, Leslie Hermann, Thomas Hicks, Paul Hildebrandt, Kathleen Hipps, Mark Hoffman, Lora Holmquist, Ann Hoist, Scott Holubar, Rebecca Hornberg, Kim Howard, Russell Howard, Barb Huff, Mary Huff, Tom Hugnes, David Hultgren, Donna Hunn, Daniel Hurd, Mary Hurl. bert, Kalvin Inman, Carrie Jandt, Gale Jandt, Paul Jensen, Eugene Johnson, Jaye Johnston, Laurie Kane. Laurie Kant, Randy Koehler, Michael Konkel, David Krage, Sally Krause, Gerald Kreldermacher, Brian Krings, Norman Kruse, Dick Kryzer, Becky Kuehn, Paul Kulas. Richard Kuusisto, Michael Lafky, Janell Thomas Larson, Richard Langowski, Laska, Sandra Lee, Tony Lemieux, Sherl Liebsch, Terry Lockwood, Julie Loos, Erick Lueck, Deborah Luedtke, Jerri Magin, Mary Malenke, Patrick Marcotte, Gretchen Mate hot, James Matson, Bryan Maus, Laurl Miller, Joseph Minnis, Kathy Moe, Brian Moore, Heidi Mueller, Lisa Mule len, Bruce Myers, David Myers, Doug Neitzke, Kevin Neitzke, Joan Nelson, Thomas Nelson, Mary Newland, Bone nie Neyers, Neal Nixon, Sara Nutte Mary O'Reilly, Timothy Ozmun, Wilfred Pape, Frederic Papenfuss, Bill Is, George Pederson, Karen Pellowski, Wm.

Thomas Pelowski, Becky Pflughoeft, John Pollema, Steven Poppiewell, Kathleen Pruka, Susan Rain, Julie Reinarts, Renee Reps, Jane Richardson, Eve Robb, Pamela Rockwell, Mike Roessler, Cynthia Rohrer, Vickie Romine, Tammy Rose, Wanda Rossin, Curtis Rude, Julie Rumpca, Wanda Schlesser, Daniel Schneider, Richard over, Timothy Shaffer, Mike Schueler, Ann Seebold, Lisa Sense, Steve Singer, Dana Skappel, Danny Skelton, Sheryl Skrukrud, Amy Smith, Kyle Snow, Dale Solberg, Scott Solem, Timothy Stanek, Merritt Stark, Tim Steffen, Kathryn Stevens, Kim Stolpa, Carol Stoos, Cheryl Straight, Nancy Strain, Tom Streater, Terry Strobush, Jeanine Styba, Becky Thomas, Ken Trautmann, Dean Varner, Connie Waiters, Glenn Warnken, Amy Welch, Jeffery Welshons, Marshall Werden, Robert Werner, Rhonda Westrud, James Wise, Cheryl Wondrow, Jean Woodworth, Duane merman and Daniel Zwonitzer. tests have shown that by stretching a thin film of plastic very tightly, 90 per cent of the sunlight falling on its surface can be transmitted to a point 11,200 feet away. Anderson said the plastic comes very close to being optically perfect when stretched. This is a factor in a high-concentration ratio between collecting sunlight and delivering it to the point where it can be transformed into heat. The Schjeldahl project is very similar to a project underway at Honeywell Inc.

in Minneapolis, but a different approach is being taken, Anderson said. Neiman to join DFL caucus MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. (AP) Alderman-elect William Neiman, who ran as an independent in the Nov. 6 Minneapolis city election, says he will join the DFL caucus when the new City Council takes office Jan. 2.

Neiman defeated Republican City Council President Richard Ardall for the 13th Ward seat on the council. Neiman's announcement Tuesday gives the DFL a 12-1 margin in the new council. Alderman-elect Walter Rockenstein of the 11th Ward will be the only Republican, Neiman said he talked with leaders of both major parties in his ward before choosing the DFL. "I can do more for the city and my ward as a member of the Nieman added. He said he intends to run for re-election as a DFLer in 1975.

Doctors hopeful amputation halted spread of cancer WASHINGTON (UPI) A doctor who examined Edward Moore Kennedy, 12-year-old son of Sen. Edward Kennedy, Tuesday said there was an "excellent chance" the amputation of the boy's right leg has stopped the cancerous growth found there. "Our hope is that surgery has been the definite treatment, and we think there is an excellent chance that it has," Dr. Philip Caper told the Boston Globe. Young Teddy's right leg was amputated above the knee Saturday when it was discovered he had a cartilage tissue tumor, a type of bone cancer.

"We are working on the assumption that the cancer has not spread and that no further treatment is indicated," Caper said. Guy A. Mudd of Kirkwood, performed 213 haircuts in 72 hours in December 1969. One advantage of using plastic as a mirror is that large volumes can be fabricated and designed at low cost, Anderson said. He said if plastic mirrors can reflect sunlight over considerable distances, solar energy can be collected from large areas and transmitted to a single point for conversion to heat.

"This is a basic project," Anderson said. "It still will be a matter of some years, even under favorable circ*mstances, before solar energy can be used for power production." Nation's hens to start shelling out more eggs WASHINGTON (AP) Agriculture Department specialists say the nation's hens are getting reinforcements and will be shelling out many more eggs in a few more months. During the first 10 months of this year, million hatcheries more turned egg-type out chicks than through October 1972, and eggs to be hatched as of Nov. 1 were up 15 per cent, the Outlook and Situation Board said Tuesday in a report. "This will provide about a 14 per cent increase in the number of pullets available for flock replacement next winter and early spring," the report said.

"Thus, there will be a significant increase in egg production by mid-1974." Heart disease also problem in USSR SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) Middle age paunch and heart disease are big problems in the Soviet Union, just as they are in the United States, according to a visiting Russian doctor. Speaking at a news conference with two colleagues following a two-day meeting on heart metabolism at the University of California Medical Center, Dr. Alexy Chernukh of Moscow, said the "sedentary life of modern man" was a primary cause of heart disease, "the No. 1 health problem in the world." Winona Winona, Daily Minnesota News 3b WEDNESDAY, NOV. 21, 1973 The Moccasin.

as crafted by Life Stride. Soft, supple leather hand-stitched detailing foam-lined comfort. A classic. $15.00 Life Stride. SHOES SUREFIRE Add $1.50 for sizes over ten Steinbauer's 69 WEST LEVEE PLAZA Leother refers to uppers..

The Winona Daily News from Winona, Minnesota (2024)


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