The Winona Times from Winona, Mississippi (2024)

WINONA TIMES, FRIDAY MAY 17. 1918. The Paper the People Reed Wavt Yeur Printing Done at Mtma said proposed chang in said road and to mark" or stake said change out, i of trust record, total tfi7 66 REPPATH CHAUTAUQUA. vyiNONA, niss. JUNE 5th to lOth.

GREAT Vacation Days OUR Belles GOOD INSURE, Liberty Grand Singing Orchestra RALPH BIGHAM GOOD and to report this. board At "Its next meeting. V-. Ordered by the board that the clerk of this board adertise for bids for coal for court house and jail to be submitted at the June 1918 meeting. Clark and Hayward, current work done on Duck Hill and Alva road, district 2, continued.

Gua E. Hauser balance 4 per cent, on current estimate, district 2, contin ued. E. R. Ford cost In case of Mrs, 'ahnie Morrison vs.

Montgomery county $116.60. C. Tyler for serving notice on 3, wood Gus E. Hauser current estimate on work, Larjmore Burget Bridge dismissed. Cumberland Telephone for ser vices rendered the court house and ail for April, $7.07.

G. E. Taylor et al. petition" asking the board not to reinstate the Winona and Graysport road, granted. W.

C. Tyler stamps for April $6.00. L. A. Sisk for washing and paint at county jail, $6.50.

W. R. Henley for lumber for filling cave, $11.50. Larimore Burget Bridge for estimate on work done on Winona and Duck Hill road, district 1, continued. Larimore Burget Bridge cur rent estimate Duck Hill and Grena da road, allowed for $221.85 road and bridge fund, and dismissed for $481.95.

Larimore and Burget current es timate on work done in the city of Duck allowed for $177.45 and dismissed for $362.25. G. E. Hauser for 4 per cent current estimates allowed for $99.14 and con tinued for $63.75. W.

E. Brister for inspecting roads and bridges, 2 accounts, $21.00. E. J. Rodgers for lumber for coun ty, $5.95.

J. W. Vail for lumber for county, 2 accounts, H. G. Rodgers for charging vat $1.

H. Sumner for lumber for county. $5.76. H. G.

Rogers for repairing $3.00. W. D. McCallister for inspecting bridges, levees and roads, $24.00. 5 accounts, a.

1 l' Winona mucilage tube for T. Buckley, dismissed. Winona Times for mimeograph and freight for J. T. McKewen $87.55.

'A. S. Oliver, cattle dip inspector $15.00. A. Austin lumber for county, two accounts, $11.46.

Contract to build bridge let to Will Collins for $49.50. to fill cave on Butt and Cambepll road, let to Burt Sykes for $20.00. j. Synott et al. petition to change road, granted a.

McGarr et aL petition for new public road, granted as prayed for and committee appointed. D. -Av Pittman and M. Hammond to view out same. J.

F. Greenlee and T. J. Durham work done on county home $8.50. Ed Blaylock for merchandise for county $0 Will Collins for grading on Butt and Campbell road $39.60.

E. Patterson for hay for district 1 1913 bonds, $35.00. Corporation of Duck Hill work done on highway, district 2, $10.17. Charles Morgan, for plowing on rqad $15.00. P.

Rowell for work on highway, district 2. two accounts, $71.10. Henry Bradley et replacing bridge, district 2, $6.50. George Rose and P. H.

Rowell for machining highway, district 2, $52.50 Bennett and Tindall for replacing bridge, $7.50. S. A. Bell for filling ditch, district 2 $19.00. R.

C. Watson messengers in re. prisoners $5.90. A. E.

Wilson merchandise for con victs, $5,35. A. Ward merchandise for convicts $19.85. J. L.

Flowers merchandise for con victs, $3.90. Winona Times for county health officer's reports, $4.00. E. K. Rose extension of right of way special fund district 2, 1916 bonds, $10.00.

Luke Woods for filling and grading district 2, special fund, $43.00. Pleas Woodruff extension on right of way, district 2, two account.s 1 America's Greatest Funmaker A JAPANESE ROMANCE" la Special Costumes and Selections from Leading Operas MO NTAGUE LIGHT OPERA SINGERS GOOD HEALTH IS THE GREATEST POSSESSION YOU AND YOUR FAMILY CAN HAVE. BE SURE AND KEEP IT. THE BEST SAFE GUARD YOU CAN HAVE IS TO EAT GOOD FOODS. WHEN YOUR FOOD COME FROM OUR STORE YOU CAN DEPEND UPON THEM BEING FRESH AND PURE.


MISS. Cergeant Wolp From the Battle Front in France MUSIC and DRAMA PARAMOUNT ENTETAINERS II DETECTIVE Harry j. loose An Active Member Chicago Police Force in a Lecture FAIRCHILD LADIES QUARTET Program Both Vocal and Instrumental. mi wb tm $1,000 A BOTTLE IS VALUE CHATTANOOGA MAN PLACES ON VIN HEPATICA inese prices go eaSOH I perStax0 LM 4. -v I- eminent at uic Upclling USLy Many Other Features.

See Detailed Program and Newspapers for Hours and OtherInformation. GROCERIES HEALTH. J. S. McKewen for services as coun ty demonstrator, $133.33.

G. C. Burton for salary, $112.25. (Herman Artman, for services as plumber, $12.00. Dr.

F. L. Harris, services as coun ty health officer, $50.00. C. Tyler for services in case of Mrs.

F. B. Morrison vs. Montgomery county, dismissed. R.

P. Burt for' repairing fil on higjaway and for filling cave, two accounts, Luke Woods for repairing three bridges, $25.50. Wilton Williams for charging 13 and fijeight on testing fuid $13.34. Chains Morgan for filling cave, $6.00, J. E.

Ransome for repairing bridge $4.00. Burt Sykes for repairing bridge and lumber for, bounty, $24.00. L. J. Bennett for falling cave, $5.00 C.

Y. Butts ior inspecting roads, 6 days, $18.00. O. Y. Butts for inspecting bridges 6 days, 18.00.

C. K. Oliver for stamps furnished office, $9.50. Winona Hardware for articles furnished county, $16.01. S.

H. Hammond for inspecting roads and bridges and viewing out road, 3 accounts, $30.00. J. is. King tor salary and work on J.

D. Highway, 2 accounts, $337.75. E. Blaylock for merchandise fur nished county, $7.00. A.

Gentsch for 'blacksmith work District 1, 1913 bonds, $14.75. Whereas, J. M. Kemp tax assesseor of Montgomery county, has appoint ed W. E.

Patterson to assist him in assessing taxes in said county for the year 1918,, it is ordered by the Board that his appointment be and the same is hereby confirmed. W. G. Baker for foodstuffs for Dis trict No. 1, 1913 bonds, $147.50.

H. Simpson for replacing fence on J. D. Highway, Distrct No. 1916 bonds, $5.00.

Winona Hardware for merchandise for road district No. 1, 1913 bonds, $13.18. Mrs. Belle Love petition to reduce assessment on lands, from $685.00 to $400.00, dismissed. Hunter McGee for vaccine points furnished Dr.

F. L. Harris, $18.75. M. H.

Knight for rebuilding bridge on J. D. Highway, $10.00. D. A.

Pittman, four accounts, for inspecting roads, 1 day assessing. dam ages to road, 3 days Inspecting bridges, 1 day surveying road, $21.00 Fuller Dalton for rebuilding $3.00. M. T. McCuiston for rebuilding bridge, emergency, $10.00.

J. Holiman for rebuilding bridge, emergency, $10.00. T. Hightower for removing old bridge, emergency, $5.00. F.

JL-Jefcoat, lumber for county, 2 accounts, $21.46. W. F. Crowder for county. 2 accounts, $16.88.

S. R. Flowers for arsenic for coun ty. $95.64. G.

C. Jacks et aL petition'to change Big Black Valley road. Granted as prayed for, and the following com mittee appointed to view out change, D. A. Pittman and M.

Hammond, The Board cancelled In open meet ing 80 coupons of $13.75 each amount ing to $1,100. i The petition of J. P. Synnott et al asking for a change in the Alva and Winona public road and that the pub lie Interest and convenience require said change to be made in said road it is therefore ordered the bjard that said proposed change in steid road be made and W. D.

McCallister and S. M. Hammond be and they are hereby appointed a committee to view IN A STIRRING PATRIOTIC PROGRAM. IN "JOY NIGHT" SUPREME ICKetS It Cft ADULTS $2.00 rv 'Ik THE BIG REASON WHY WE MUST ALL CONSERVE OUR FOOD SUPPLIES Washington, D. May 2 The-American soldier consumes four and one-half pounds of foodstuffs daily, according to a statement made publiq by the Quartermaster's department of the army.

To feed million and a half men it Is necessary to obtain daily pounds of beef, 225,000 pounds of bacon, -j 210,000 pounds of ham, cans of tomatoes, 225,000 cans of jam, and 3,000 bottles of tomato aggregating some 6,759,000 pounds. GET AFTER THESE PROPAGANDISTS Liberate yourself from the thralldom-of that whole gamut of minor bodily evils anyone of which will cloud the most perfect day. L- Who feels good when euch prodding-bodily tormentors are spreading their disorganizing propaganda of ill-health through your system I How can you see the bright side of things when constipation sows -it's noxious seeds of interna sanitary filth and disease. It can't be done, until you your internal body. Do that now by going to the drag store and getting DK.

CHARLES LAXATIVE PELLETS. This splendid, preparation is also invaluable in routing those prodding-devils of dyspepsia, headache, gastritis, and also most effective in the treatment of. all liver and bowel irregularities. 1 pellets are safe and mild, no griping nor any bad effects results from their use. You may rely on DK.

CHARLES LAXATIVE PELLETS as nature's great bodily cleanser and purifier. They will give you that bouy-ant feeling of healthy joy that can only come from a cleansed, normally func-tionizing system. PRICE 25 CENTS A BOX i At AH Drag gists or sent direct ia Receipt of Price To 1)1 CHARLES FLESH FOOD COMPIST BROOKLYN, N. V. PRDGEEBINGS OF BQU OF The Honorable Board of Supervisors of Montgomery County met at the court house in the city of Winona.

the first Monday 1 in May, ai members present; when the following business was transacted. O. P. Taylor et al petition to rein, state Winona and Graysport road dis missed. J.

L. Wood damage on acct. of road running through land, dismissed. J. R.

Bowland repairing bridge on Winona and Grayseort road extra work, $11.00. Gus E. Hauser for ,4 per cent esti mate work done, dismissed. n. Tvler.

sheriff's report for May. 1518, approved. 12. J. Wadsworth for merchandise for e'eurty, $12.10.

N. L. Tov.nsend 6 mattresses for county, Young wire and stapl's H. Artman Son merchandise for county, 60cts. Winona Water Light $15.55.

E. R. Ford report showing cost circuit court. W. S.

Webster insurance on jail and contents, $39.06. T. H. Spencer merchandise for Co. $1.50.

C. C. Pace for 56 posts dismissed. J. R.

Bell, wire road district No. 2, dismissed. J. H. Jesty putting glass in Grand Jury room, $7.60.

Ordered by the Board that the petition of W. O. Bennett et al. asking for new road which said petition was granted as prayed for, be and the Bame is hereby reconsidered and the former proceedings of this Board be recinded and the petition dismissed without prejudice. Ordered by the Board that the Greensboro and Winona public road be and the same is hereby discontinued from the Webster county line, to the Kilmichael and Lodi road, the Bame to be left open to the traveling public.

Mrs. P. B. Morrison, damages on account of new road, order of circuit court, 2 accounts, $500.00. D.

E. Strain witness for Rouble Bos-well case $1.50. C. K. Oliver issuing citation 75c.

J. L. Rose lumber for county, $1.90 Winona Lumber Mfg. lumber $9.28. J.

Vance for repairing bridge, $7.50. Will Collins, building bridge over Foltz creek, continued. Will Colling for moving old bridge, continued J. King for filling cave on Dor- ris road, continued. W.

R. Henley for filling cave on Dorris road, $24.00. B. B. Blaylock for building bridge on Morgan road, $45.00.

T. J. Durham for white washing building at county home, $25.00. A. A.

Blaylock for repairing bridge, $9.00. W. H. Keeth for building bridge, $40.00. C.

W. Baker for building bridge, $45.25. C. D. Larimore for opening up new read, $30.00.

E. E. Moore for building flat bridge, two accounts, $23.70. Will Collins for building flat bridge, continued. Mack Covington for services as janitor, V.

D. "Rowe for services, to -Board, $25.00. Mrs, J. P. Stafford for services rendered as demonstrator, $55.00.

ID mm "I have passed my 75tl year and I could not have held up much longer the way I was troubled. But Vin He-iatica was certainly a life-saver to me and I heartily recommend It to my friends." i The fact is, Vin Hepatica is a Na ture medicine and not a patent nos trum. It is a combination of eight of the finest herbal remedies known to medical science, remedies which are prescribed nearly every day by the leading physicians of the world, and they are all combined into one great Nature medicine for the kidneys, liver. stomach and bowels, and for toning up the system. Nothing is finer for any one who is troubled with the stomach or weak and run down condition.

We strongly recommend this great Nature remedy. Come and get a bottle and try it, on eur recommendation You will like it and it will do you good. CO. Winona, Miss. Kilmichael, Miss.

$115.00. W. S. Vaughn, salary and expanses, $167.66. Convict sergeant's report for April 1918, H.

Artinan for extra work at court house and jail, $11.85. Jim Applewhite for refund of road tax over age $3.00. E. R. Ford for cost in case of Rob ert Butt and John Edwards, $7.00.

B. C. Scott and W. T. Caldwell, pe tition to levy assessment of 50 cents' per acre in Hays Creek swamp, dis EVER SALIVATED BY Calomel is Quicksilver and acts like Dynamite on Your Liver.

Calomel loses you a day! You know what calomel is. It's mercury; quick silver. Calomel is dangerous. It crash es into 6our bile like dynamite, cramp ing and sickening you. Calomel at tacks the bones and should never be put into your system.

When you feel bilious, sluggish, constipated and all knocked out and believe you need a dose of dangerous calomel just remember that your druggist sells for a few cents a large bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone, which is entirely vegetable and pleasant to take and is a perfect substitute for calomel. It is guaranteed to start your liver without stirring you up inside and can not salivate. Don't take calomel I It makes you sick the next day; it loses you a day'i work. Dodson's Liver Tone straigh tens you right up and you feel great Give it to the children because it is perreciiy narmiess anq doepn gripe "I wouldn't take $1,000 for what one bottle of Vin Hepatica has done for me," says Mr. L.

A. Cantrell, aged. 75, chair worker of Miller avenue, Chattanooga, Tenn. "It is worth $1,000 a bottle. I have been troubled with kidneys for years, catarrh of the head and stomach.

After eating a few bites my stomach would swell up like a I had the cramps, was fiuxy, had to be up almost every hour of the night on account of the condition of my bowels. "But Vin Hepatica has changed all that. I don't hare to get up at all in the night. I now eat potatoes, beans, onions anything. I had about decided I could not nor would not live another week, but after I saw in the papers what Vin Hepatica had done for others in the same fix, I thought I would try it and now feel better than I have felt in forty years.

Have put in 2l2 days olid work this week and am going to tart in for full time Monday. BRANCH DRUG R. FLOWERS, W) El Pattersbni iqattj'p filp inspector, $13.00. Walter Ely for 350 feet lumber for county, $7.40. John Castles for repairing levees.

$7.50. Contract to build bridge on J. McKain road, let to C. D. Larimore for $49.00.

Contract to build bridge on Winona and K'lmichael road let to C. W. Ba ker for $47.50. Contract to fill the cattlo gap on Ballefontain and Grenada road, let to Larimore for $4.00. It is ordered by the goard that the public roads be dragged and that the amounts to be paid therefor be fixed at 50 cents per mile for double dragging, tne cost to'be paid out of the road and bridge fund upon accounts approved by member of this board for each district separately.

In separate road districts the amount which such separate district would be entitled to expend hereunder for dragging, shall be paid, over Quarterly to such sepa-1 rate road district pro Contract to fill cave on Greenboro and Winona road, let to J. D. Holiman for $11.50. to causeway road east of S. H.

Parker's residence let to Contract to raise bench under tres-' tie, let to D. Larimore for $3.00. Contract to cut ditch near Will Morris' residence, let to W. A. Moore for $7.50...

Contract to repair bridge let to Blaylock for $8.00. Contract to build flat bridge let to Wesley Ware for $14.00. Contract to repair bridge, let to Ford Ware for $3.50. Contract to build bridge In Wolf creek, let to Will Henley for $30.00. Contract to cut hill let to Clyde Ha-mer for $10.00.

Winona Times stationery for J. Mann printing laws for soldiers voting, 300 cards for Mrs. Stafford, publishing proceedings of board, notice to well diggers, envelopes and deeds trict No 1, continued. Geo. Chesteen for land to repair levee $10.00.

J. T. Buckley, cost in case of Butt and Crowder $16.20. J. W.

Dale for grading hill, district No. 2, 1916 bonds, special fund, $174.64. D. Powell et al. petition asking board to appoint John Reeves In place of O.

W. Bennett, continued. Will Collins work on Charlie Campbell road, district 2, 1916 bonds, $40. C. T.

Witty et al. petition asking board to appoint T. D. Powell as a member of pension board in place of W. M.

Nabors, deceased, ordered by the board that T. D. Powell be and he is hereby appointed as a member of the pension board in place of W. M. Nabors, deceased.

McLean Rowe for attorney's fee Ttit Quinine That Does Not Affect the Heed Because of Us tonic and laxative effect, LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE is better than ordinary Quinine and doe not cause nervousnesa nor ringing in head. Remember the full name and look tor the signature of E. W. GROVE. 30c in case of Mrs.

Fannie Morrison vs Montgomery county, $75.00. A. P. Dacus lumber for countu, $3 accounts, $45.00. S.

M. Hammond mileage and per diem, $12.60. Y. Butt mileage and per lira, $12.90. D.

A. Pittman mileage and per per diem, $13.40. W. D. McCallister mileage and per diem, $13.80., W.

E. Brister mileage and per diem $14.00. EJB. Wright salary for. April $25.00.

W. C. Tyler services to board, $6.00. C. K.

Oliver, clerk of the board of supervisors, $9.00. W. C. Tyler for victualing prisoners for April, 1918, $17.40. Ordered by the Board that we do now adjourn until court in course.

w. d. McCallister, 1 President. -Help Red Cross- LONG TIME FARM LOANS See S. Ritchey at 112 Quitman Avenue, Winona, Mississippi.

8- v- '-Help Red Cross WINONA TIMES $1.50 PER YEAR.

The Winona Times from Winona, Mississippi (2024)


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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

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Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.