Village of Mamaroneck News & Events
Broadway on the Sound Concert - TONIGHT, Friday, September 20, 7:00pm in Harbor Island Park!
Mamaroneck Monarch Butterfly Festival - TOMORROW, Saturday, September 21 in Harbor Island Park!
Organized by the Committee for the Environment.
Visit for more information.
Village Meetings and Events
- Friday, September 20
- Building and Planning Departments Closed, 3:00pm to 5:00pm
- Broadway on the Sound Concert in Harbor Island Park, 7:00pm (Rescheduled from 08/07)
- Saturday, September 21
- Mamaroneck Monarch Butterfly Festival, 10:00am
- Town of Mamaroneck's Coastal Cleanup Day, 11:00am to 1:00pm
- Sunday, September 22
- Dance Class, 10:00am
- Monday, September 23
- Board of Trustees Work Session (5:15pm) and Regular Meeting (7:30pm)
- Tuesday, September 24
- Board of Trustees Special Meeting, 5:30pm
- CANCELLED: Flood Mitigation Advisory Committee Meeting, 7:00pm
- Wednesday, September 25
- Board of Trustees Special Meeting, 5:30pm
- Yoga with Carly, 5:30pm to 6:30pm and 6:45pm to 7:45pm
- CANCELLED: Planning Board Meeting, 7:00pm
- Thursday, September 26
- Friday, September 27
- Building and Planning Departments Closed, 3:00pm to 5:00pm
- Saturday, September 28
- Drive Electric Mamaroneck, 11:00am to 3:00pm (Rain Date: 09/29)
- Sunday, September 29
- Dance Class, 10:00am
To viewthe Village of Mamaroneck's online calendar,click here.
Click here to read more about Village Meetings.
Other Village Calendars:
- Downloadthe 2024 Sanitation Calendar here.Visit the Sanitation Pickup Schedule webpageto lookup your household's garbage pickup scheduleor download the Recycling Right Westchester app fromtheApple StoreorGoogle Play Store. Need help on how to download and use the Recycle Right App? View the Recycle Right App Walkthrough Video here.
- Click hereto download the Land Use Boards Meeting Dates for 2024.
- Click here for the Programs/Events page of theMarine Education Center.
Drive Electric Mamaroneck - NEXT Saturday, September 28
(Rain Date: Sunday, September 29)
Are you interested in buying an Electric Vehicle? Read more about the advantages of owning an EV here. Or come to 'Drive Electric Mamaroneck' our EV showcase at Harbor Island on Saturday, September 28, 11am-3pm.The Village of Mamaroneck is teaming up with National Drive Electric Week to host this event. It is your chance to talk to real EV owners about their vehicles, and the benefits and challenges of owning an EV.
- If you an EV owner and would like to display your vehicle at the event, please contact Liam Robb O’Haganfrom the Committee for the Environment
- Buying an EV will also help the Village qualify for unto $27,500 in NYS grant money, that can be put towards energy efficiency projects.
Leaf Blowers Prohibited Until September 30th. Electric Leaf Blowers Allowed Starting October 1st
From May 15th to September 30th, the operation of leaf blowers, per the Village of Mamaroneck'sLeaf Blower Law,is prohibited. Please note that as of May 15, 2024, gasoline-powered leaf blowers are now prohibited throughout the year. Beginning on Tuesday, October 1st, the operation of electric and vacuum leaf blowers, as per the Village of Mamaroneck'sLeaf Blower Law,are alloweduntil May 15, 2025. Furthermore, Westchester County lawrequires that landscaping contractors be registered with the County and that leaf blowers meet County emissions regulations. For further information about Westchester County'sLeaf Blower Emissions Law,please click here.
American Red Cross Blood Drive - Saturday, October 5
Location: Blue Room at the Walter F. Rogers Recreation Pavilion in Harbor Island Park | Schedule an appointment by clicking here. | Download the PDF flyer.
Scarecrow Build - Saturday, October 5
Join us for the 5th annual Scarecrow Build at Harbor Island Park. Build your very own scarecrow and decorate pumpkins with your family. Completed scarecrows with name tags will be displayed along "Scarecrow Trail" (Mamaroneck Avenue) throughout the month of October. The fee for residents to participate is $45.00 per scarecrow ($55.00 per scarecrow for non-residents). All materials EXCEPT clothing are included.Click here to register.
Spooktacular - Sunday, October 20
Grab your trick or treat bag, dress up as your favorite character and join us for our Annual Spooktacular Halloween parade and festivities taking place on Sunday, October 20, 2024. Goblins and ghouls, witches and ghosts meet in front of Smashburgerat 448 Mamaroneck Avenue at 11:00 am and march their waydown Mamaroneck Avenue to spooky Harbor Island Park, where holiday fun, candy and activities are planned for your little monster starting at 12:15pm. Festivities taking place include a haunted house, pumpkin decorating, face painting, and more! Let the spooky season begin!
Organized by the with theMamaroneck Chamber of Commerce.For more information, please click here. (Download the PDF flyer.)
Turkey Trot - Sunday, November 24
The Village of Mamaroneck Parks and Recreation Departmentwelcomes runners and spectators for the 58th annual Turkey Trot and Gobbler Race! The event will be held on Sunday, November 24th at Harbor Island Park. Race day registration opens at 8:00am. The 1-mile Gobbler Race will begin at 9:45am and the 5K Turkey Trot will begin after completion of Gobbler Race. All registrants will receive a free t-shirt and medal. Register online at Need help with the online registration? Click here to download a Turkey Trot Chronotrack How To Guide.We hope to see you there! (Download the PDF flyer.)
Yoga with Carly
All levels are welcome! This class is for anyone- from experienced yogis to beginners wanting to learn what yoga is. Bring your mat and an open mind as we move together through postures focusing on breath and alignment. You will leave feeling rejuvenated, relaxed, and inspired.$15 per resident (or $20 per non-resident) per class.Click here to register. (Download the PDF flyer.)
Dance Class
Join us for an easy to learn, fun, and energizing dance class for ALL levels of dancers! Week 1 we will learn the choreography & week 2 we will start to add style, find your essence, and perfect the choreography. New choreography every 2 weeks! Each session will present a slightly new style, song, and vibe!Click here to register. (Download the PDF flyer.)
Total Body Workout with Joyce
Get fit this year with Joyce! Fitness classes available on Mondays and Thursdays from 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. at the Stephen E. Johnston Beach Pavilion in Harbor Island Park. Learn how to get a total body workout utilizing low impact step toning, circuit training, kick boxing, kettle ball exercises and Tabata. 30 classes are included in the registration fee and all fitness levels are welcome. Participate in a free class prior to registering to see if the class is a right “fit” for you. Make your 2024 resolution to invest in your health and wellness with Joyce.To register, visit (Download the PDF flyer.)
Sign Up for Soccer Stars Fall Class: September 3 to November 23
Soccer Stars offers the nation’s most popular children’s soccer program for kids ages 1 and up. Backed by 20 years of experience, Soccer Stars offers a unique, age-specific curriculum that is crafted to improve soccer skills, build self-confidence, and develop socialization skills.See flier for full class time slots. For more information, visit
FREE Tennis Clinics
Free resident tennis clinic atSPORTIME, available for ages 5 and up. All ages and skill levels welcome.Registration is required online. Racquets will be provided when necessary, however players are encouraged to bring their own.To register,click here. (Download the PDF flyer.)
MTA Safeguard Your Bicycle
Download the PDF brochure.
Baldwin Place Traffic Advisory
Download the PDF flyer.
Florence Street Traffic Advisory
Download the PDF flyer.
Building Department Reduced Hours
Booking Season in Full Swing:Now is the Time to Rent the Pavilion Deck!
Book your next family event, party or other gathering at beautiful Harbor Island Park. Rent the Pavilion Deck located adjacent to Stephen E. Johnston Beach to celebrate your special event along the tranquil coastline of the Long Island Sound. With 1,200 square feet of party space and seating for 48, this party space will be the ideal waterfront setting to enjoy and gather as you enjoy your celebration. As there is a high demand for popular dates throughout the season, we suggest calling the Recreation office at (914) 777-7784 or emailrecreation@vomny.orgregarding availability and pricing. (Download the PDF flyer.)
Bark Park at Harbor Island
Information about purchasing Bark Park FOBs (as well as Dog Licenses) is now available online.
Empty Slips at the Marina Available for Rent
Empty slips at the marina for boats of varying sizes are now available for rent. The Village of Mamaroneck Harbor Master oversees and administers all vessels located within the waterways of Harbor Island, assigns each applicant a slip space, and is responsible for maintaining records of dock and mooring assignments. If you are interested in reserving a slip, please contact Jeff LaRusso or Kristen Salov at the Harbor Master’s Office at (914) 777-7744.
Town of Mamaroneck's Informational Webpage about the Waverly Avenue Bridge Replacement Project
The Town of Mamaroneckhas puttogether this informational webpage, which will be updated periodically, about the Waverley Avenue Bridge Replacement Project.Visit periodic updates.
Village of Mamaroneck Tree Law
Trees help sustain an ecological system that provides climatic advantages to people and wildlife alike: cooling the air, buffering the wind and providing a natural barrier to noise. Conserving these natural assets was the impetus behind a decision by the Village of Mamaroneck's Board of Trustees (with support from the Tree Committee) to vote on and enact a new tree law.On October 12, 2021, the Village passed a local law making property owners in the village responsible for the maintenance of trees on their property, including their removal. The penalty for failing to follow this law is afine of$1,050 or more. The law is intended to preserve our trees, which provide numerous benefits, including the reduction of air pollution, increase to the tree canopy, and the improvement of the drainage and maintenance of a healthy eco-system. Studies show that a minimum tree canopy cover of 40% is the threshold needed to reap the full benefits of trees. Agoal of the Board of Trustees, supported by the Tree Committee, is to achieve this minimum tree canopy coverage and maintain it on an ongoing basis. The Tree Committee as well as the Building Department has put together the following resources to help educate and inform residents about our Village's Tree Law.
Frequently Asked Questions | Application for Tree Removal Permit | Tree Law
Westchester County's Flood History Disclosure Form
To access the Flood History Disclosure Form, info on Local Law 46-2022 and other County efforts related to Flooding in Westchester, go to:
Para acceder al Formulario de Divulgación del Historial de Inundaciones, información sobre la Ley Local 46-2022 y ostros esfuerzos del Condado relacionados con Inundaciones en Westchester, visite
Westchester County’s “Upon Request” Law Aimed at Curbing Use of Single-Use FoodwareIs Now In Effect
In a significant step towards environmental sustainability, Westchester County is reminding residents and business owners of its "Upon Request" single-use foodware law, which took effect on September 2. This legislation aims to reduce the consumption of single-use plastics by promoting a more mindful approach to their usage within food service establishments by limiting the use of single-use foodware products to only when specifically requested by the customer. Click here to learn more.
Hurricane Season is here. Get prepared now before a hurricane strikes.
June 1 to November 30 is hurricane season in the Atlantic. Visit these resources from the American Red Cross, FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency, and theWestchester County Department of Emergency Services. Follow Ready.Govfor storm safety and preparedness tips or visit: www.Ready.Gov/Hurricanes
Electric Safety from Con Edison
Never go near or touch a fallen power line or other damaged electrical equipment. Call 1-800-CONED (1-800-752-6633) to report the condition. For more electric safety tips from ConEdison, click here.
Nunca se acerque a un cable de electricidad caído ni a otros equipos eléctricos dañados, ni tampoco toque dicho cable o dichos equipos. Llame de inmediato al 1-800-75-CONED (1-800-752-6633) para reportar la situación. Para obtener más consejos de seguridad eléctrica de ConEdison, haga clic aquí.
Gas Safety from Con Edison - Call 811 Before You Dig
New driveway? Planting a tree? Putting in a pool? Whether you’re doing the work yourself or using a landscaper or contractor, whoever is digging must call 811 two to 10 days before excavating on public or private property. Calls are answered around the clock.. For more gas safety tips from ConEdison, click here.
¿Va a colocar una piscina? ¿Una nueva entrada para automóviles? ¿Va a sembrar un árbol? Ya sea que usted esté haciendo el trabajo por su cuenta o haya contratado los servicios de un jardinero o contratista, quien sea que vaya a cavar, debe llamar al 811 de dos a 10 días antes de excavar en propiedad pública o privada. Las llamadas son contestadas a cualquier hora.Para obtener más consejos de seguridad de gas de ConEdison, haga clic aquí.
Mamaroneck Residents Deserve Safe Water / Los Residentes de MamaroneckMerecen Agua
Partner-in-the-Community: Town of Mamaroneck's International Coastal Cleanup Day - Saturday, September 21, 10:00am - 12:00pm
The Town of Mamaroneck will host their International Coastal Cleanup Day on Saturday, September 21, from 10:00am to 12:00pm.
To pre-register or for more information, please contact Sue Odiernaat or call (914) 381-7816.
Town of Mamaroneck's Repair Cafe - Sunday, October 20, 12:00pm to 4:00pm
Our friends and colleagues at the Town of Mamaroneck will host a Repair Cafe on Sunday, October 20, from 12:00pm to 4:00pm at the Mamaroneck Senior Center at 1288 Boston Post Road. Have an item needing repair? Don't toss it and add to the waste stream. Let's fix it together.
Organized by theTown of Mamaroneck's Sustainability Collaborative. For more information, email
(Download the PDF flyer.)
Westchester County's Mobile Shredder to Visit the Town of Mamaroneck - Saturday, October 26, 10:00am to 1:00pm
The Westchester County Department of Environmental Facilities Mobile Shredder will visit the Town of Mamaroneck's Maxwell Avenue Recycling Facility at 40 Maxwell Avenue, in Larchmont on Saturday, October 26, from 10:00am to 1:00pm. Shredding personal documents serves a double purpose-- to recycle paper as well as protect sensitive information against identity theft -- the fastest growing crime in the nation. Westchester residents may bring confidential personal papers for shredding to any one of the following events. Residents can bring up to four file-sized (10”x12”x15”) boxes of confidential papers per household. Remove all large binder clips and covers. Papers from businesses, institutions or commercial enterprises are not acceptable and will be rejected, as will any junk mail or newspapers. For more information, click hereor call(914) 813-5425.
The 2024 General Election Is Approaching
- There will be a General Election held on Tuesday, November 5, 2024.
- The Early Voting period for the General Election is October26, 2024 to November 3, 2024.
- Free and open elections are the basis on which this country was formed and you can make a difference by becoming an election inspector to help protect those freedoms. Westchester County is always in need of Election Inspectors willing to work at one of various polling sites on Election Day. Proficiency in both English and Spanish is a plus.
Visitcitizenparticipation.westchestergov.comfor more informationor call (914) 995-5700.
About the Village of Mamaroneck's WeeklyE-Newsletter
The Village of Mamaroneck puts together a weekly e-newsletter with information for residents and local businesses that brings together resources from Village departments, volunteer boards, commissions and committees, as well as our partners in the community. To sign-up for the Village's e-newsletter,please visit,type (and confirm by re-typing) your email address at the top of the page, and select "Village's Weekly E-Newsletter" on the list.Alternatively, residents can email Robert Ingenito, the Village's Public Information Officer, atringenito@vomny.orgor call at (914) 825-8113. Whether sending an email or leaving a voice message, be sure to includeyour full name and email addressand say that youwant to be added to the Village’s email list. (When leaving your message by phone, please be sure to spell your first name, your last name and your email address.)
For consideration in the Village of Mamaroneck's Weekly E-Newsletter (which is typically sent on Friday), submissions are due on Friday by 12:00pm. Send submissions All submissionsare edited for tone and content.
Have you Signed-Up for RoboCalls ("Rave Mobile Safety") from the Village of Mamaroneck?
We encourage all Village of Mamaroneck residents and local businesses to sign-up for our RoboCall ("Rave Mobile Safety"), in the event the Village needs to communicate special announcements quickly and directly to residents. Click this linkto stay informed during emergency situations, important events and more. Alternatively, you can call Robert Ingenito, the Village's Public Information Officer, at (914) 825-8113. Leave a message on Robert's voicemail withyour full name, phone number, and email addressand say that youwant to be added to the Village’s robocallsystem. When leaving your message, please be sure to spell your first name, last name, and your email addresses. (Please note that these notifications are separate from the Police Department’s Nixle Engage notification system.)